So what's next for this franchise? Is there a new enemy on the way? Is Kong now King Kong, kind of like how Macho Man Randy Savage became the Macho King? If so, are King Kong and Godzilla the new Megapowers?
I said it a few pages back (turns out its probably not true ) but it was reported that there was a end credit scene in the test screenings that showed there was to be a alien invasion... True or not this would be a good time to have Aliens taking control of the monsters Ala Godzilla vs Monster Zero and Destroy all Monsters.
Maybe then we could see some City destruction at the hands of Big G
So am I that is why I?m completely baffled why I felt this movie was a huge waste of time.
I always believed that large amounts of destruction would make any modern Godzilla movie a thing of perfection no human story required.
I was wrong lol
I just got done watching GvK again and then followed with KOTM
Final fight in KOTM is awful.. I almost would not even count it.. So much time spent with Stanger Things Girl.. All I can thin of is that they thought they were really on to something getting her for the film and that is what people were coming to see.. Like anyone gave a **** about her or her family. She was used more appropriately in GvK in that she was in it much less
But the final monster fight.. Gah.. Its even worse after seeing how it should have been done..
I?m watching KOTM right now on my KOTV and it?s a downright narrative masterpiece with decent emotional beats when compared to this turd.
I must miss the emotional beats because I just dont care... Serizawa? Am I supposed to care the a guy who spends two movies looking dumbfounded dies
Emma Russell?? Am I supposed to somehow feel for anything surrounding her story??
Godzilla should make me feel more but he is hardly in it.. You get no sense of how the fight is going because they spend no time with it.. Just KG deciding t pick up G and drop him... Mothra saving G does not hold up for me either.. Just because you tell me in the movie she is Queen of the monsters (dumb) does not mean I am going to feel pumped when she shows up.
Rodan was the best part and I should not be saying that about a film with Godzilla and KG in it.
I forgot just how gorgeous the visuals were in KOTM there are some truly epic moments in it way more than GvK, for me anyways.
So weird how we are on different pages with this series.. I am glad i fell out of like with KOTM before I saw GvK. That way I know the film could not stand on its own before I saw GvK.. I think visually GvK kicks KOTM but.. I mean.. All the fights were pretty ugly due to KG storms.
Maulfan will have final say which is better lol
I think we have our answer
Back home from my theatrical viewing, not a lot of time or energy to say too much right now, up with a 4 week old and doing Easter for the other kids, but short and sweet, I loved it, the fights were the sort of thing I would want with the advantages of CGI over suitmation, it was a visual feast, I feel like humans were barely in it and there was heavy monster action, and the nods to 80s action movies were so good. I felt excitement and energy from beginning to end. Treating swimming Godzilla like a shark circling prey was icing for me, so many things they did spoke to various loves for movies that I have.
Yes the Shark stuff was cool.. How about the boat being dragged down behind Godzilla being like the Barrels in JAWS

Obviously I was happy
The end battles were so predictable it was all boring for me.
How so.. Everyone predicted either a Kong win, or that G was really MG, or that there would not even be a winner because G and K would have to team up.
I think you may have watched too many of the trailers and TV spots.. I stayed far away this time.. KOTM taught me a huge lesson there.
That tunnel from hollow earth to HK was downright stupid lol
Yes.. But I just cant bring myself to care
MG design worse thing since lobster Predator
I have no idea why I like it.. I hated the toy.. It looks like the toy.. But I loved it in the movie. My kid feels the same way.
Well for me I can say this.
The movie went by even fast with the 2nd viewing and things I did not like before I found myself enjoying..
Hollow earth stuff Was visually beautiful.. Those dumb ships following kong down there were Tron-tacualr.. Love the sound they made also.
The Stanger things girl stuff is the weakest but she is really hardly in it.. Goes by so fast.
I like all the humans on Team Kong... Way more then anyone else in the Godzilla films other then Bryan Cranston.
We really dont see eye to eye with these films.. Thats OK. We need to disagree sometimes.
My Rankings (based on Godzilla ranking scale)
1. Godzilla vs Kong - Easily the best of the bunch. Godzilla is the most like the Godzilla I know and Love. Fights are great. I dont hate any character in the film.
2. Kong: Skull Island - With John C Reilly, Sam Jackson (and a couple of the other soldiers) in the film this movie probably has my fav human characters in the series. Lots of good monster fights and a great Kong vs Military sequence
3. Godzilla 2014 - best made of the bunch but also the most boring. Godzilla is beautifully shot and you really feel the scale and weight of the monsters in this one. far from perfect and Edwards was being to cute for his own good hiding the Big G all the time.
4. Godzilla King of the Monsters - What should have been my fav is by far for me the most frustrating and most annoying. I actually hate characters in this one and that is not a good thing when so much time is spent with them. The fights are the worst in the series. I dont like KG acting more like Smaug that KG.. Such a missed opportunity.