So I finally got to watch this movie last night on HBOMax. From the trailers, and after the last movie KOTM, I had pretty low expectations for this.
But, damn, I didn't think it could actually be worse than KOTM. This was down right awful and almost hard to watch at points. I don't even know where to begin...
It was pretty much Kong's movie. He should've got top billing, Kong vs Godzilla. Of course the battles were pretty cool (other than seeing Godzilla sprinting) and lots of eye candy, but the plot was soooo bad and sooo predictable. We got 2 comic relief characters, conspiracy guy and Firefist. Along with Seven, these 3 people were pretty pointless other than throwing some alcohol on a control panel at the end of the movie. And we had Sevens dad in it again. Why were any of these people even in the movie?? So it related back to KOTM?? They could be edited out and the story wouldn't even change one bit. But the worst and most useless by far was Hot Girl, Bad guys daughter. She shows up looking all hot for the nerds/horny teen boys, acts like she's badass, says some dumb things, then dies. I think that was the most satisfying part of the movie for me. Watching her young hot ******* explode..
The 1st sea battle scene was laughable. All it did was show how dumb the military is. Throw the monkey on a boat, avoid the areas normally traversed by big G, but have no plan if he shows up. Just panic and eventually let the smart female scientist finally hit a button to release Kong. Although, hot girl probably had the only funny line in the movie with her "Dump The Monkey". I can't even use any characters names from this movie. I don't even remember any.
Well, whatever. This is what these movies are meant to be I guess.. I loved the start with Godzilla '14 and I liked Skull Island. But these 2 monster fight movies are pretty bad. And I loved Godzilla growing up and have watched pretty much every movie except Shin Godzilla. I didn't expect much, but sheesh...

Well Gfans, enjoy this while you can, cause this may be the last. Don't even know where they could go story wise after this...