I contacted the site via phone. I talked to a call receiver and she put me on hold to see if the package was sent back. It wasn't. She told me to contact the post office and see if they are holding it there w/ the tracking number (the post office is closed right now though). She further stated that if it the package is not being held at the post office to give them a call back and she'll get a manager to help assist and solve the problem.
I don't know how this is all going to work. I'm hoping that I'm not going to be out $100+ if the post office doesn't have it and the girl seemed uncertain that they carry insurance on any of their shipments. It's such a frustrating thing and I've never gone through anything like this before. I've ordered at least 9 things from their site over the years (without a problem) and I'm hopeful they can help me out...I'm doubtful the USPS will do anything.
Ok. Found out whats going on....
gohastings screwed up the shipping address by blending my shipping and billing address on the label. If that wasn't bad enough, the USPS still delivered the box with a completely different zip code to the same town that carries my billing address. Now the address that they sent it to...yeah, well it's not in the best of areas. Kind of a ghetto on the outskirts of town.
I contacted USPS. They suggested that I contact the shipper for a PS-1509 (request for recall). hastings would simply need to go to the post office and fill out the form to get the package back and make sure the exact contents are within the package once the item is shipped back. Then they'd have to apply the new label for my actual shipping address and ship it back out again. With the recall, the USPS goes back out to the address to reclaim that package. Hopefully things work out this time around and Leonidas is still in one piece...
If they fubar'd your zip, I'd say that's on Hastings and they should just ship you out a replacement while they go about getting the OG back. A manager should be willing to expedite this for ya.
Well here's the thing. Hastings got my street address correct (shipping address) and town, state, and zip correct as well (but it was for the billing address in the next town over).
However, the post office couldn't find a specific address under what the zip code was labeled, so they shipped within the same town but changed the zip code on their own just for the sake to make a delivery (they automatically changed the billing zip from 02911 to 02904). Unfortunately, because USPS automatically assuming a different zip within the town, my HT Leo got shipped to a wrong address.
I filed a case # with the post office to see if a rep can help. They are supposed to call within 24 hours after doing an investigation. I'm guessing that they'll come to a conclusion that the package was delivered and that I've got to sort things out with go hastings (unless the person did the right thing and returned the package to the post office which is doubtful conmsidering the area that it was sent to). What are the chances that gohastings will put in a request for recall on my behalf?
Got a call back from gohastings. They contacted all their stores to see if they had any more of the HT 300 Leo's in stock to resend...but came up with nothing. Instead they are reimbursing me for the fig. Classy on hastings part. Still a little down that the USPS lost my package and sent it elsewhere. I was looking forward to adding him to my movie based HT collection...
Actually I tried ordering a figure and the website is a no go. I hate these guys. But does that code work?
I don't pay retail for SSC SW figs. Never have, never will. You NEVER go full RETAIL!![]()
I don't pay retail for SSC SW figs. Never have, never will. You NEVER go full RETAIL!![]()
That is true, I'm learning those ways as well.
There was a code but it only lasted for a weekend a few weeks ago, should be expired but I'll try to find the e-mail and you can see if it still works.