I sent them an email about it. We'll see if I get a response.
I'm hoping my Leonidas gets here soon from go hastings. It was shipped on June 29th. Usually, it takes approx. 7 days for my orders to get delivered. The latest anything has ever arrived was 12 days after getting the shipment notification and that was 2 years ago.
I think I got hosed guys. I placed an order on June 26th and got a shipping notification on the 29th. I never received a package for this order and e-mailed gohastings last week. I got a response today with a tracking number. I put the USPS tracking number in and it says they delivered on July 7th! Utter BS. I'm so upset.I was home all day on the 7th and never received anything! Any of you guys have a similar problem...I have no idea what to do.
Contact the site and let them know. This happened to me with Cornerstorecomics a few years ago around Christmas. I checked the tracking on a package and it said delivered, and I was home all day! It was shipped UPS and I know UPS automatically has insurance but maybe the website will help you out.
I contacted the site via phone. I talked to a call receiver and she put me on hold to see if the package was sent back. It wasn't. She told me to contact the post office and see if they are holding it there w/ the tracking number (the post office is closed right now though). She further stated that if it the package is not being held at the post office to give them a call back and she'll get a manager to help assist and solve the problem.
I don't know how this is all going to work. I'm hoping that I'm not going to be out $100+ if the post office doesn't have it and the girl seemed uncertain that they carry insurance on any of their shipments. It's such a frustrating thing and I've never gone through anything like this before. I've ordered at least 9 things from their site over the years (without a problem) and I'm hopeful they can help me out...I'm doubtful the USPS will do anything.
I too think if USPS fails to locate the package Hastings will refund you. It may have been stolen off your property.