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Aside from the crappy shipping box my orders always filled and my figures were always in MIB condition. The only disappointment was when I added a DX Bats to my cart and by the time I checked out 2 mins later it was sold out.

Equally disappointing.....so you all know about the 29% off deal today I assume? I was on last night around 2am and wanted to get Aldo Raine but the code wasn't active until 5am this morning. When I woke up and checked this morning he was sold out. $110 for him would've been major. Also the fact that he'd been sold out for a long time until a few days ago makes this double the horror for me. So........which one of you mutts got your hands on this guy? He's way underrated and gohastings has a sort of niche client base so my bloodhounds lead me to this thread!

I missed the $75 HT Two-face on Gohasting Amazon and I'm still bitter about it. Ad still no Two-face. :monkey2
I got in an order for Captain America and Gartogg and Medicom Solo with the 29% code. Really hoping I get Captain America and it doesn't get cancelled.
Well, shipping "boxes" are another matter altogether. Wolverine came in brown wrapping paper. Amazing that it did so well in transit.

Paper? That's pretty bad. Only thing worse would be a shipping label slapped on front of the HT box. Can't understand how private sellers can be more cautious in how they sendsomething than an actual company. They only charge about $7 for shipping which is probably best in the industry but it still doesn't justify it. My T2 T-800 came from them in in box that smelled like cigarette smoke, even that is better than paper.
picked up couple HT superman's, caps, classic preds.

how the hell are folks getting Classic Preds? i was up at 5 AM when the code went into affect (hence my alert to you all...and no thank yous. sheesh :lol) and Classic was sold out then. that was the only one i really wanted
Sucks that this is taking place today only, I won't have any money until Friday. Really wanted to get the MKV for my birthday. :(
Did anyone get the battledroids? Yesterday they were at "preorder" today, "out of stock". Wondering if they just didn't get their inventory registered in the system.

Debating on getting a second Kevin Flynn so I can display both versions at the same time.
I ordered an SSC Commander Bly--they didn't have anything else in stock I really wanted. :p

Hope I get a new copy though. The last fig I ordered from them was apparently a display. It was complete, but I would've preferred an "untouched" copy. :p
Flynn is a great figure. Just debating whether $80 is a good price if all I want is the head, body and stand for a second figure. Don't need the extra outfits.
I just wanted a second Classic Predator out of everything available. Was going to think it over until after work. My decision was made for me it seems.