Make sure you say it to Lucasfilm, since they are the ones ultimately calling the shots.
Again, it's not Adam, Allison, J.J., etc. It's LFL... who has let loose a double-standard here. They wouldn't allow Adam to accept reservations of his piece for attendees (even though most of the other artists, including Allison, were allowed to do so) because they want attendees to be able to buy them at the show. Makes sense, except when you consider that they're still allowing the pre-sales via the Yahoo Group to NON-Attendees. Yes, they are limiting on how many can be pre-sold that way... but even if it's only 50 prints that is 25% of the entire allotment gone before the first CIV attendee walks through the door, essentially creating the very scenario LFL was trying to avoid by asking Adam not to accept holds or reservations for attendees.
This isn't Rocket Science, but sometimes it seems you need the Rosetta Stone to figure out how LFL thinks.