My muse is a fickle b**ch
Re: Gollum PF available NOW!, Link to buy in 1st post...
Can someone explain to me how is
a.) a Domestic Exclusive of 1500
different than
b.) a Domestic Exclusive of 500 with an International Edition of 1000
(other than the bottom of the base on which one says it's an international version)? The total size of both editions is 1500. Both are available to US customers only through Sideshow while international customers can either buy from Sideshow or a local dealer?
What purpose does this serve other than not disclosing the entire edition size at time of order? I also find it interesting that in the newsletter when mentioning that a "few" pieces of the international are available, it doesn't tell you what the edition size of the international version is. I had to ask to find out.
Now to me although it doesn't make me jump for joy, it doesn't concern me too much because in this case I like the LOTR Premium Format line and will pretty much buy anything that's released
. But Sideshow must realize that working this way will lead to mistrust from customers.
Can someone explain to me how is
a.) a Domestic Exclusive of 1500
different than
b.) a Domestic Exclusive of 500 with an International Edition of 1000
(other than the bottom of the base on which one says it's an international version)? The total size of both editions is 1500. Both are available to US customers only through Sideshow while international customers can either buy from Sideshow or a local dealer?
What purpose does this serve other than not disclosing the entire edition size at time of order? I also find it interesting that in the newsletter when mentioning that a "few" pieces of the international are available, it doesn't tell you what the edition size of the international version is. I had to ask to find out.
Now to me although it doesn't make me jump for joy, it doesn't concern me too much because in this case I like the LOTR Premium Format line and will pretty much buy anything that's released