Master Wayne
Super Freak
I've watched it twice and BOTH times it nearly put me to sleep. I'm sorry you don't agree with me... but you also don't bother making any points to refute what I said.
Go back and watch Princess Bride and tell me Hellboy doesnt DIRECTLY RIP the entire opening sequence 'story' from it. Not to mention that it practically the same opening montage from Lord of the Rings with the Crown instead of the Rings. It even gets divided among the combatants at the end like the rings do. I've never read the comic book, but I can't believe that this was taken from the book.s
A gigantic goblin with a mechanical hand bursts into an auction and the guy leading the auction asks the prince "What are you doing?" Dude, I don't care what the crown is worth, a giant goblin crashes my party, I'm out da door!
Oh and lets not forget the convenience of the legless troll cart dude showing up exactly where and when he needs to so our heroes can NOT only find the entrance to the Prince's hidden city BUT save Red from the silver arrow head in the process... C'mon, good films COMPLICATE the lives of the characeters. NOT make things neat and easy for them. Where was the dilemma or drama in that?
Oh and (sorry for the multiple posts btw) what exactly is the goblin old lady scared of with the canary?! It's not like the canary became ravenous and was dying to rip its way out of the cage... again, just easy...
"There's no way I'm showing you where the ultra secret super hidden city is!!! Over my dead body"
"What about if I show you this little bird?!"
Lame. Such a shame too cuz the first one was fun. this movie is Terminator 3 bad
Okay. I was going to cite factual counterpoints and defend this beautiful film in a constructive and artistic manner, but it's clear now you're just a trolling moron, so I can save myself the effort.
Thanks buddy.