Grand Theft Auto V

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Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Too many friggin spoilers in this thread...the game came out a few days ago, unless you are unemployed how the hell did some of you find the time to finish it and spoil it for the rest of us...
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Judging by the post above mine I wont be catching up on the thread. That said THIS GAME IS AMAZING!
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Too many friggin spoilers in this thread...the game came out a few days ago, unless you are unemployed how the hell did some of you find the time to finish it and spoil it for the rest of us...

Cos we are elite gamers sir.

Don't read any GTA V threads then. :dunno
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

We've only played for a couple of hours and have played with Michael and Franklin. So far, it's a good game. The city looks amazing.

The only thing that mildly bothers me is the amount of swearing in the Franklin sections. I don't mind swearing in games or movies but with him, it's the F-word every 2 words and it gets old real fast.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Too many friggin spoilers in this thread...the game came out a few days ago, unless you are unemployed how the hell did some of you find the time to finish it and spoil it for the rest of us...

It takes me a few months to finish most Sandbox games :lol. I honestly don't know how some folks played through this entire game so fast. It seems inhuman. I'm guessing that a lot of Red Bull, and taking sick days from work was involved.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

It takes me a few months to finish most Sandbox games :lol. I honestly don't know how some folks played through this entire game so fast. It seems inhuman. I'm guessing that a lot of Red Bull, and taking sick days from work was involved.

Rentals, sir. Due to this other hobby we enjoy, I don't get to buy as many games as I used to, and, with a limited window available, I'm something of a speed freak.:lol With that being said, I want to apologize to everyone if my previous post was spoilery, in any way. I sometimes lose sight of the fact that people actually take their time and enjoy these games.:lol

With that being said, I would like to say that you're all in for a treat, as I just finished it (though, to be fair, I pretty much stay the course, as far as story mode and missions go, the first time around, and explore later, so, I suppose that may partially account for how quick it goes), and it is probably my favorite iteration of GTA, thus far.

Side note: Am I the only one who thought that Michael bore an uncanny resemblance to Michael Madsen? With the slicked back hairstyle, I was half expecting someone to call him "Budd." Well, if they ever made this into a movie, I guess they know who to call?:lol
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Too many friggin spoilers in this thread...the game came out a few days ago, unless you are unemployed how the hell did some of you find the time to finish it and spoil it for the rest of us...

There is also this thing called paid vaction/holidays from work, Just because we finished the game doesn't signal unemployment. Also whatever i say is spoiler tagged you click it , your fault i stayed away from everything GTA while playing the game.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

i didn't finish it .. and i been playing it for 4 days .. and i hope the ending is still faar faaar ...
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I'm I the only one who's disappointed with the music in this game? It always seems like the song selection Rockstar picks are a knockout but this games stations are just overall lacking. Other than that this is the best game I've played all year. Defiantly a AAA title in ever sense.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Cos we are elite gamers sir.

Don't read any GTA V threads then. :dunno

Elite gamers must be code for "nerds with no other activities or responsibility" I guess lol :rotfl
Just teasing.

I myself just did the first real heist. Pretty cool.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I'm I the only one who's disappointed with the music in this game? It always seems like the song selection Rockstar picks are a knockout but this games stations are just overall lacking. Other than that this is the best game I've played all year. Defiantly a AAA title in ever sense.

I agree. I'm mostly switching channels without luck of finding something I enjoy. Good thing there is an off switch.

2 things I wish were different... I am lame so it makes sense for me to wish we could pump gas...

And my eye hurt like a mother trying to see the damn reticle. Wish it were a tad larger. I know it's supposed to feel more real and accurate not having it larger but it definitely bothers me.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I've been wondering for years why you can't play your own music in gta games via the cross media bar (ps button)
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I'm I the only one who's disappointed with the music in this game? It always seems like the song selection Rockstar picks are a knockout but this games stations are just overall lacking. Other than that this is the best game I've played all year. Defiantly a AAA title in ever sense.

Definitely the worst music selection in GTA.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Since a good deal of you have beat the story mode how does it stack up against GTAIV overall? I really love the plot of GTAIV with Niko being aware of his sins but the replay value of GTAIV is almost zero to me for some reason. The soundtrack is also very good.

Does GTAV have the gameplay, replay value, and soundtrack that beats IV? (Okay, noted that the the music in V is underwhelming).
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Since a good deal of you have beat the story mode how does it stack up against GTAIV overall? I really love the plot of GTAIV with Niko being aware of his sins but the replay value of GTAIV is almost zero to me for some reason. The soundtrack is also very good.

Does GTAV have the gameplay, replay value, and soundtrack that beats IV? (Okay, noted that the the music in V is underwhelming).

Hard to judge it since online isn't up yet, but like with every GTA it will get boring eventually.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

Hard to judge it since online isn't up yet, but like with every GTA it will get boring eventually.

Not when online comes out. SP will get boring once you hit %100 yeah but with multiplayer always updating, more missions user created content and much much more. Hell i played IV's Free roam for 2 years i can see myself playing this for a lot longer. I need a good online to play, COD and BF are ****e nowadays TLOU multi was weak and i despise racing games online.

And my eye hurt like a mother trying to see the damn reticle. Wish it were a tad larger. I know it's supposed to feel more real and accurate not having it larger but it definitely bothers me.

If im not mistaken you can change the reticle to ''complex'' and pistols will have a dot surrounded by a circle, rifles are an X and shotguns are a dot and a semi circle. I don't mind the Dot.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I don't mind the dot either but my friend can't see it for **** haha
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

I've got mine tuned to Channel X, Non Stop Pop FM and FlyLo FM. In my opinion the best music's there.
Re: GTA V - September 17, 2013

So did anybody find out how to get a face bandanna for Franklin yet? I've seen some videos and screenshots of him wearing one.

Also how do you remove shirts , there's no option

LOL and how come in Michales house , he has no shoes option in his closet wardrobe?