Gree and Malak Busts

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Josh, you gonna be at the Baltimore Con to get that bust :D

And nice pics. My Malak will be arriving shortly via mfoga (thanks again)
Thanks guys!! These shots came out a little better than normal.

Gonna need all the luck I can get to all the commanders. Though, I do think getting three of the five should be easy. I got Gree of course and will get Cody at SDCC.

Loki, I won't be going but a member here BigDaddyRob will be going and has said he will get it for me. So I should have that one nailed down.
While we're on the subject of SDCC exclusives. How will GG be taking pre-orders for their exclusives? My ex is going and there are 2-3 busts I want her to get. Are they going to take pre-orders online like last year or will it be a first come, first serve at the convention?
Darth Loki said:
While we're on the subject of SDCC exclusives. How will GG be taking pre-orders for their exclusives? My ex is going and there are 2-3 busts I want her to get. Are they going to take pre-orders online like last year or will it be a first come, first serve at the convention?

I'm assuming it will be like last year and like how they just did it for C4. Letting people order a certain percentage online and the rest at the show.
Gree looks nice--- not too much into EU so I don't know anything about Malak... Do you have the Grievous bust?
My friend (the same one who picked up the Gree and Malak busts for Josh) actually won the Grievous bust at the Star Wars Fan Club Breakfast raffle. It's pretty neat... the box is about 3 times the size of a standard GG bust. :google
IrishJedi said:
My friend (the same one who picked up the Gree and Malak busts for Josh) actually won the Grievous bust at the Star Wars Fan Club Breakfast raffle. It's pretty neat... the box is about 3 times the size of a standard GG bust. :google

I've got the GG Slave Leia on order (obviously---:monkey5 :monkey5 ) but that's my first GG investment (and when I say that I mean as a fan and not someone trying to flip or get rich off these things because my wife always says I really have no intention of EVER selling these things) but after looking at some of their other work (and some of the collections on here) I really liked the look of that Grievous (not to mention he's one of the most aesthetically cool characters of the entire PT).
PosterBoyKelly said:
Got me the Animated Droids Fett! The busts are cool though, especially with doily!

I want the Fett but just no into going through all the hoops to get him really. The doily is very cool though I will admit. :) :monkey5
I just picked up a Gree. I was going to wait, but I have a bad feeling the value on this one will keep going up for a while. I had enough in my paypal account so it didn't "cost" me much out of pocket.
Gree is one of the five I "really" had to get. I'm just glad it worked out for me thanks again to Irish and Friends. :)