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Sorry guys, but it looks like lucas is not backing down on this, check out this clip that will be in the new 3d version! :lecture

That is assuming, that the journalist is as big of a Star Wars nerd as some of you guys, and that A) it is important enough for him to give a crap or B) he even knows/remembers what the real scene is or was. Besides, isn't a journalist, by definition, only supposed to report both sides of a story without bias?
Han shot first and always shot first! Man, what is he senile? And btw, Han was gunpoint by Greedo before he killed him. So whether he shot first or not. It's still self-defense.
In the next SW DVD or Blu-Ray uncle Georgie will make Greedo shoot with a bazooka, to make sure we all see Han didn't shoot first. :slap
Maybe Lucas has made the next step of evolution? melding his mind with the digital world he's gone back and edited his own memory

Your all a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists, greedo shot first GOT IT!
I agree that it's futile to get enraged at this point.

Honestly, for me it's gone so far past the point of getting riled up over this. I now find all of Lucas's backpedaling insanity to be legitimately hilarious. When I read this earlier, it didn't stir up any "HOW COULD HE SAY THAT?" feelings. I just started laughing.
One of the reasons I got the unaltered DVD set with the Theatrical Versions - were also new and factory sealed:

interesting interview. i totally see his point about available technology allowing improvements in films. in 1983, james earl jones refused to scream that ridiculous "noooooo" at the end of jedi. it's only in 2011 that lucas developed the mind control butt probe that allowed him to MAKE james earl do the line. hmmm.... i totally see his side of things.
Lucas has to seek some serious medial attention. He's turning into a Alzheimer's ridden mongrel with a brutal case of NFI...

No F'ing Idea :slap
Oh no! Lucas is at it again! The Swordsman shot first!


Control panel shot first!


Somebody stop this madman!
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Uncle George, you know I love you man, but PLEASE! Stop F&*%$ING LYING! He's like Obi-Wan. Bold faced LYING and claiming "its a certain point of view." :(
Ha! :rotfl He's wearing a shirt of Han Shot First! Hypocrite... and no I'm not angry nerd too. And I really don't critic him, but damn "STAY ON TARGET!" George!
That change to ANH was perhaps the single most ridiculous thing ever done to a film in the history of cinema. It looked terrible and was completely unnecessary and there was only one person in the world who thought it was a good idea.

As for Han shooting first being bad, it was a no brainer - Greedo actually threatens to kill him at gun point and everyone knows that when Solo goes before Jabba he will be killed (or worse). So would anyone in that situation go with Greedo and die?

Also, I think part of this is Lucas changing things... just because he can. On that point if I were Lucas and I wanted to make a change in ANH and it came out looking like the liquid arse it did - I would can it and live with my "mistakes".

If he truly never wanted Solo to look bad for saving his own life, he could have had Chewie walk over and bonk Greedo on the head.

Let's face it, Solo is the only actual man in the films until Lando steps in and he was supposed to be this rough and tumble smuggler. I never heard anyone say "how awful, he killed that nice green man..."
