Dude what the heck is your problem?![]()

He takes issue with me not agreeing with his pov it would seem, particularly when it comes to InArt stuff. Not sure why I'm usually singled out but eh, I'm used to it by now.
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Dude what the heck is your problem?![]()
One Man's Hobby far as I can tell has positive comments. Pop Collectibles reviews seem to be uneven.Welp, that got their attention... instant refund.
Guess Artisan Jack just isn't in the cards for me.
We've had a partial discussion before in DMs about differing opinions, to which you never replied to my last two messages in that initial discussion that you started.You know @Gipetto0812 I kinda wish you kept it real with me and flat out say you’re not fond of my OPINIONS lol. I know I get under your skin and you always gotta say something that works against me.
You’ve never done that. Let it be known. I was referencing all of that in general terms.For the record, I've NEVER told @HyperDrive to off himself in DMs. (not saying that part was referring to me, but just want it to be clear to all that I'm NOT one of those ppl).
And, to quote my last sentence in my last DM exchange with him, "We should be able to disagree on stuff and still walk away just fine."
Yeah, sorry if I’m on edge. Again. I wish it was civil. But if I’m the problem as everyone says, I’ll fu*k off if y’all would like me to.Jeeeezzzzz Feel like i stepped in a preschool. Where did the rum go? Chillout folks![]()
The end of At World's End with the two ladies is fantastic, the whole exchange starting with Gibbs is a highlight for me.Thank you. And I've always enjoyed when a secondary character shows up again, like an Easter Egg.
Meanwhile, picked up BBK's pirate Sophia which there are absolutely no reviews about; and seems to be a female KO of Jack Sparrow. But, I wanna kitbash her into either Elizabeth in DMC; or just kitbash her into a random female pirate who is just hanging around. I'd love a Tia Dalma and some of the secondary characters.
Even one of Jack's random lady friends. There's backtracking and paying for older POTC figs $$$ but past 3-5 years they are expensive and am cautious about what the storage conditions may have been.
P.S. Gibb's line "Heave! Heave like you're being paid for it!" cracks me up. Sounds like the pay for most jobs.![]()
haha you're right! And we glossed over your pics in the process! reposted belowJeeeezzzzz Feel like i stepped in a preschool. Where did the rum go? Chillout folks![]()
Just got him in and took a quick look and some shots, honestly?..... I am blown away. In person this looks so much better in think everyone who gets this Artisan is going to be quite happy with it. It just takes the realism to the next level.
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I want to share my Instagram account here, i am just started there to build up my account and share content. So if you want to see my new video just look up my Instagram account (GrimmReapah1992) and more content will follow for sure![]()
You dont have to go mate. This is just a endless battle i see these things happen way to much. Folks like different things and thats a good thing. There's no right or wrong, only what you personaly prefer to haveYou’ve never done that. Let it be known. I was referencing all of that in general terms.
Yeah, sorry if I’m on edge. Again. I wish it was civil. But if I’m the problem as everyone says, I’ll fu*k off if y’all would like me to.
Aye my post was fastly forgotten, no worries that happens alot almost used to ithaha you're right! And we glossed over your pics in the process! reposted belowgive this boardie a follow on his IG (GrimmReapah1992) You should put a link to your page in your signature as well. I'm pretty sure it's allowed
You dont have to go mate. This is just a endless battle i see these things happen way to much. Folks like different things and thats a good thing. There's no right or wrong, only what you personaly prefer to have
Aye my post was fastly forgotten, no worries that happens alot almost used to it
Not sure how to link my page and all that but thanks for the repost![]()
I noticed your edit, Gip, but no, that’s not how it is. You’re entitled to whatever opinion you have. I couldn’t care less if you don’t agree with my pov, but at least try to understand where I’m coming from before discussing/portraying me in bad faith. I myself don’t do that to you.
He takes issue with me not agreeing with his pov it would seem, particularly when it comes to InArt stuff. Not sure why I'm usually singled out but eh, I'm used to it by now.
Your photography was definitely noted and appreciated on my behalf.You dont have to go mate. This is just a endless battle i see these things happen way to much. Folks like different things and thats a good thing. There's no right or wrong, only what you personaly prefer to have
Aye my post was fastly forgotten, no worries that happens alot almost used to it
Not sure how to link my page and all that but thanks for the repost![]()
I would say you quoting my comment regarding InArt Ron into the JND Joker thread without context was in bad faith.I noticed your edit, Gip, but no, that’s not how it is. You’re entitled to whatever opinion you have. I couldn’t care less if you don’t agree with my pov, but at least try to understand where I’m coming from before discussing/portraying me in bad faith. I myself don’t do that to you.
In addition, I guess I simply don’t understand your (and others’) perspectives in giving other companies a pass but INART gets scrutinized to oblivion? You (and others) basically rave about this Jack figure, but have you (and others) actually compared it back to the source? There are many things that are off. But you and others (it’s not just you) act like the world is falling when judging any INART figure based on grainy pictures? Make it make sense.
And you at least engage, I’ll give you that. Unlike other individuals who “throw shade” on unrelated threads. Cough, Nick, cough. Guy was so flustered with my perspectives on 1/6 that I’d bet money he was the one behind the parody account created of me…
Idk, I think this will go round and round, man.
It’s funny how the one time I do something like that, it’s taken as if I dropped a nuke on everyone. But yes, admittedly, bad faith, which is something a lot of you guys do to me.I would say you quoting my comment regarding InArt Ron into the JND Joker thread without context was in bad faith.
I scrutinize InArt b/c I feel like their QC issues and end products don't match up well enough to their prototypes and the price they're charging with the figures I own. Gandalf might be the exception b/c of the stunning headsculpt, but even him I take more issue with the quality of certain parts of the figure. I also don't like how later batches for InArt figures tend to be better. I shouldn't have to hope that I get a "good one." Best example of this is Aragorn who's last batches not only had better hair work but also better paint apps. Heck, I just realized that the "belt buckle" on my Superman was printed off center to go along with the other issues my figure (and apparently others) also hasThere are certain things I can fix and certain things I can't. One of those things I can't is headsculpt paint so if the paint is lacking (like I feel Ron, TDK Joker and Aragorn), that's not something I can fix for free. I have to pay extra to send that off to someone else to do the job correctly. I also can't fix the costume issues on Superman b/c it has to do with screen printing and the warped cape hole due to their assembly process.
As for this figure, a few of us (like MaulFan and Rzez) who are passionate about Jack Sparrow have talked about the inaccuracies that not only this figure has, but also previous Jack figures. The three of us have regularly agreed and disagreed on what we think is accurate as far as colors, materials, etc. As MaulFan said previously in this thread, we still don't have a definitive, out of the box Jack Sparrow, to which I would agree with. But, this figure does appear to match up with the prototype including the missing paint apps on the right hands as RXX pointed out.
My main thing is, for any company, if I like the prototype, I want the final product to be pretty dang close to that, if not better, especially at these higher than average prices. Sure, it's nice to hope that it will get improved, but that's never a guarantee. With my experience with InArt, I haven't felt like I've gotten that with their final products.
And, to bring it back/keep it on Jack, yes, I do know Jack's costume pretty well and how it's changed throughout the films. I've made numerous posts about them each time someone has asked in the varying Sparrow threads over the years. I've made a full size costume in the past (minus the hat and coat) for DMC/AWE b/c it's my favorite of his looks. Though, I do prefer the darker red bandana from COTBP.
You said to "make it make sense," so I hope this helps-- and I'm not saying that facetiously
I'm not as huge on accuracy as far as the figures go and that's across the board for any company. I even mentioned in the InArt Ron thread awhile ago that while JND are actually correct in that Ron's robes weren't worn/washed/hand me down looking in TSS in the way they were in COS, I like that InArt did it anyway b/c it adds some contrast between him and Harry.And yeah, you know your sh*t on Jack Sparrow’s costume design. However, you’ve still yet to address the plethora of inaccuracies the new DX37/38/39 figure has in relation to the source though. For instance, where’s his blonde hair?
Yea it was a queued event situation and sold out in under an hour I think.We all ordered the same time basically, right? I mean, this was one of those timed events. I haven't even received a "charging soon" notice.