Yeah, after reading all recent posts, I'm in the same boat as most, especially being canadian. The buck is a bust, the GG is overpriced, & lacking an Ex is dumbfounding to say the least. So, as many, waiting for a better deal down the road. Still dig the sculpt big time, feeling it's the best rendition (even though other offerings have not yet been fully revealed). Still a real drag it had to come to this.
Since many are playing the waiting game card, do you think this will drastically effect Sideshows' edition size? Can they realistically, drastically reduce the edition size when the Spidey pf numbers over 5k? I mean GG was marketed as the companion piece to spidey, but if many are waiting it out, how will this effect SS edition number? And typically, when does Sideshow reveal the edition size for any given statue anyway? Seems overdue, no? If they reduce the ed. size, I have the feeling many will not risk missing out, & order, myself included. If so, this would piss off a lot of collectors who are saving up for both, but find that they are being painted in a corner. Has the smell of being a marketing nightmare for SS, as well as a pain in the arse for many collectors; & how will this effect future releases regarding rogues for Spidey PF line? Kinda sad my mind is spinning with so many questions, when this should have been a high point for both collectors & SS.
One more question. Regarding reward points, (which I have some), when is traditionally the next event in which SS typically gives away freebees? Yeah, sadly it's come to that. Thanks for all the input people.