Green Lantern---Blackest Night (Spoilers)

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I'm so mad I decided to wait for the graphic novels to come out. I've only read up to the Red lanterns since it was the last graphic novel to be released. Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE tell me how Flash became a blue lantern, how Hal turned into a black lantern and is he now evil? And how did Sinestro become a white lantern and does that mean he is now a good guy? If you want to avoid spoilers please PM me. My LCS is missing ALOT of the back issues so I can't catch up :(
Oh and I'm happy I get to complete my ring set


Where'd the White Lantern ring come from?
I'm so mad I decided to wait for the graphic novels to come out. I've only read up to the Red lanterns since it was the last graphic novel to be released. Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE tell me how Flash became a blue lantern, how Hal turned into a black lantern and is he now evil? And how did Sinestro become a white lantern and does that mean he is now a good guy? If you want to avoid spoilers please PM me. My LCS is missing ALOT of the back issues so I can't catch up :(

well, the GOOD news is, Im selling my entire set of Blackest Night, with GL, GLC, and mini series. If you're interested.

But, Flash becomes blue, after each color gets a "deputy"
Blue- Flash
Sapphire- Wonder Woman
Yellow- Scarecrow
Orange- Lex Luthor
Indigo- Atom
Green- Ganthet
Red- Mera

Hal is a Black Lantern for a panel and a half. no biggie

Sinestro becomes a white lantern when he merges with the life entity. (Think Parallax, but in a good way). And he already is no longer a white Lantern
I beleive you get a white ring when you buy Brightest Day #1. And there is a Flash ring as well. And I think one more ring.
The WonderCon Sinestro also has a white lantern ring.

San, I have the entire series (including all tie ins). If you'd be interested in buying the whole set, let me know.
Anyone notice that when the dead were brought back in the gatefold, it was younger Boomerang? Not the fat tub-a-lard that he was when he died

No it wasn't, Barry specifically says "Take a nap, Digger" which is Harkness' nickname not Owen Mercer's nickname who was CBII. Its one of the many pitfalls that BN actually has the whole resurrection Weight Watchers panels that people are still laughing at. Maybe Brightest Day will clear it up...

PLEASE tell me how Flash became a blue lantern

Ganthet enacted a secret piece of Oan tech that allows the rings to replicate for emergency situations for 24 hours. He takes the green for himself and the blue finds Barry.

how Hal turned into a black lantern and is he now evil?

He was never evil as a Black Lantern. The ring grabs his finger as it did the other resurrected heroes and as it touches him he begins to turn. Barry grabs him and they use the Speed Force to leap into the future a couple of seconds screwing up the ring's tracking and they fall lifeless.

And how did Sinestro become a white lantern and does that mean he is now a good guy?

Nekron's goal in Blackest Night was to bring out and find the Life Entity called "The Trespasser" its one of the few names we have for the Entities other than Ion (Green), Parallax (Yellow) and Predator (Violet). It needs someone to bond with so it can fight against Nekron who is trying to destroy it and while Hal is trying to bond with it, Sinestro yells that its his moment and takes it from him. Even in his act he is an anti-hero, not a good guy.

Where'd the White Lantern ring come from?

Its included with Brightest Day #1 but check your LCS because some are taking them out to sell separately. It also comes with the WC Ex White Lantern Sinestro. Its my favorite one so far.

Sinestro becomes a white lantern when he merges with the life entity. (Think Parallax, but in a good way). And he already is no longer a white Lantern

What is interesting is that the White ring overtakes the current rings whether they are other Corps or BLs and once they use the power it leaves them, the entity not only leaves all the "White Lantern Corps" after usage but also destroys the connections of the BLs and the deputies. There is a White Lantern Power Battery that is out there somewhere which would have people assuming there will be at least one WL and it should be noted that Deadman is shown in one of the last panels still wearing one...

I beleive you get a white ring when you buy Brightest Day #1. And there is a Flash ring as well. And I think one more ring.

Brightest Day 1 = White Ring, The Flash 1 = Flash Ring, Green Lantern 53 = Green Lantern Ring. The GL ring looks to be the same as the one from the past promo.
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Does anybody have an extra Indigo and violet ring or know someplace that still has them? I have the green, orange, red, yellow, blue and black already... just need to find an indigo and violet. I can get any of the six other colors if you need them for trade. Also, may need the white ring when released.


Is that the complete set?
That is the set minus the White which is released in May. I'll keep my eyes open Lonnie, places like Midtown Comics was selling them individually for $2.00...
No it wasn't, Barry specifically says "Take a nap, Digger" which is Harkness' nickname not Owen Mercer's nickname who was CBII. Its one of the many pitfalls that BN actually has the whole resurrection Weight Watchers panels that people are still laughing at. Maybe Brightest Day will clear it up....

yea. I know the difference between the two. When I said "younger", I didnt mean the son, I meant a younger version of Digger. He wasnt so fat, like he was towards the end before he died.

I think its assumed that the son Boomerang died during the Flash BN series
My LCS is doing a cool promotion. If you buy all 7 hardcovers from BN, the 7th one is free. AND you get a complete set of rings. Add my 20% off box price, and its not too bad
Finally finshed reading Blackest Night from 0 to 8, with all Green Lantern's, Corps and assorted tie-ins and while it was good I was a little suprised by John's writing, it seemed much tighter in the actual Green Lantern series while the Blackest Night comics really needed an editor, some of it just came off as bad fan fiction. I enjoy Johns as much as the next person but I think the writing took a backseat to some of the action itself and I can see how people took this to be a summer blockbuster more than a well written overarching series. I thouight Tomasi did a fine job with the Corps.

I thought Rucka's WW was the best of the tie-ins by far, with Superman's being next, not sure why they even did Batman,Flash and Titans, they really seemed thrown together for just the sales (which is probably true).

I'll be getting Brightest Day for sure but one of these days I'd like to see a more self contained event series. I'm getting close to burnt out after Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, 52, Countdown, Trinity, Final Crisis, Blackest Night and not to mention Countdown to the Cowl which I ignored. I understand this stuff sells by the boatload....

I still need the Black Lantern Hal (my eBay deal fell through...) although I will say that the White Lantern Sinestro is my favorite BN figure to date and the ring is cool too :D

:rock :rock Nice!!! I still want to get me one of those 1:1 lanterns one day. Maybe even a Sinestro lantern to compliment it as well. Mike, you think we'll see a 1:1 White Lantern??
Actually I would say it has a better chance than the other Lanterns really. The other Lanterns of the spectrum save maybe Orange which is the most shown like a GL Power Battery are unique to themselves. From Blackest Night 8 we saw the White one is just like the Green only fully white, something tells me that it wasn't exactly done without a bit of thought into merchandising.
Thanks to Boba Ben, I got a Black Hal and White Sinestro coming :D

Thanks to you, I think I'm going to have to pick up the rest of the Blackest Night series. I was out of DC Direct collecting and sticking to DCUC, but these two make make want to have them all.
:lol Sorry about that. But at least your standing in line got you something as well!

And good luck in your search! Some of the wave 1 figures are harder to find now and I think series 4 comes out this or next week! And that has 3 Black Lanterns in it so I'll have a nice group of 7 thanks to you :D
Actually Series 1 has been resolicited which means they'll be arriving in shops again as well. So far I've read that Series 1 and 2 have both been resolicited so it might be easier to jump into this line than one thinks.