Getting four DC pfs in January.
Darkseid, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and...? (I'm getting those three
Getting four DC pfs in January.
Darkseid, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and...? (I'm getting those three)
How does SS determine who's piece gets shipped when? Why are some receiving theirs now and others in a couple of weeks?
It seems it depends on how many they receive in the batch that can fulfill the more orders of either flex pay or full pay buyers.
How does SS determine who's piece gets shipped when? Why are some receiving theirs now and others in a couple of weeks?
I flex pay pre ordered this the minute it was available. I was hoping my last payment date of 1/25 would be moved up.
Will this ever ship?
Got the processing email for the 12th as well! I'm so excited to get this dude.