Super Freak
thats good news Mike, then there is some hope for it after all.
Has any one seen this fan art!
I still think he would have made a better Flash.
That's a good suit design too. It would look great on the screen as well as a 1:6 figure. I sure hope they don't try to "tech" his look all up with armor and padding and whatnot.
The difficulty for the suit IMO is going to be making it look like a construct of solid light while keeping it from looking cartoonish and cheesy. Needs just the right amount of luminescence....
Good point. He doesn't constantly glow in the comics though. It's usually only when he's flying that he has a green aura around him.
Good point. He doesn't constantly glow in the comics though. It's usually only when he's flying that he has a green aura around him.
Yeah, originally the suit was just a normal old super hero suit. More recently they updated things so that the suit is actually a hard light construct formed from the unconsious will to protect themselves. That's why each lanterns costume is slightly different. Each person's armor is a reflection of thier own style/personality. Human lanterns have the most diversity in suit style because we are more "volitile" and "primitive" in seeking out our individuality.
Im a huge fan of that concept, and hope they don't standardize the suit into a set uniform or at least allow for a few differences. I also hope that there is some way that they can't show, or at least explore the idea that the suit is formed from light and not just spandex!
But I really like what they've done with the new suit's emblem, where it's projecting a light image on the active lanterns, but turned off on the trainees. But I wouldn't mind a more padded, slimline space suit kind of uniform. However if anyone could pull off the spandex, it's Reynolds.
I haven't read any of the real recent GL comics. I remember Kyle designed his own suit when he got the ring but I don't remember them changing the suit so that the emblem projects light onto active Lanterns.
Green Lantern
Comic book writer Rob Liefeld, who is close to the Green Lantern production, revealed some over-arching aspects of the setting and plot:
He has seen most of the storyboards for the Green Lantern film and he claims that it looks fantastic. He said that if they could translate what is on the storyboards to film, the movie would be amazing. Over one-third of the movie is set on OA, the home world of the Green Lanterns. The film will have numerous Green Lanterns, including fan favorite Kilowag and Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) mentor turned archenemy, Sinestro.
Some new news.
Green Lantern
Comic book writer Rob Liefeld, who is close to the Green Lantern production, revealed some over-arching aspects of the setting and plot:
He has seen most of the storyboards for the Green Lantern film and he claims that it looks fantastic. He said that if they could translate what is on the storyboards to film, the movie would be amazing. Over one-third of the movie is set on OA, the home world of the Green Lanterns. The film will have many pouches and characters with really, really big thighs.