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DC should look into a Captain Marvel movie. Seems like a sure thing with the growing latino market, it wouldn't require as much special effects and they wouldn't have to worry about meeting the demands that a Superman film would have.

I don't think Billy Batson is Latino....
I don't think Billy Batson is Latino....

He could certainly pass based on his original look. I'd be happy if a Latino actor happened to be cast as the Cap. It would give some more variety to the superhero demographic, with the character's ethnicity not being an issue.
He could certainly pass based on his original look.

I still don't think so.


I wouldn't be a horrible change to make but it certainly isn't a no-brainer kind of idea....

Jamie Reyes is latino


Kyle Rayner is half Mexican


The demographic isn't out of reach but realistically DC needs to focus on getting the film itself before venturing out into demographics which would bring their own baggage in terms of getting it right or wrong, offensive or empowering in terms of film history. There is diversity in the comics world that either company could play up but doing it just to "do it" or to give diversity is a cop out or gimmick and will be viewed as such instead of evolutionary steps forward.
I still don't think so.


You're right! Latinos totally can't have ruddy complexions, curly black hair and dark eyes.

Plus, wasn't Kyle Rayner being half-Hispanic only retconned later on? I'm not saying Billy Batinez needs to come from the barrio, or Marvel needs to sport a lightning-bolt bling, but getting an actor who looks the part and happens to be Hispanic, while being faithful to the comics wouldn't kill the character either. If Jessica Alba can wear those horrendous contacts and play Sue Storm business as usual, can't see why casting a non-WASP actor as a classically dark-haired, olive-skinned character would be too drastic.
Just because it's relevant to the conversation, and it literally made me laugh my ass off, I'm stealing this from the BATMAN BEGINS SPECULATION thread:

What the hell is a "LOS Ra's"!? Is that like the Mexican version of Ra's al Ghul?

You're right! Latinos totally can't have ruddy complexions, curly black hair and dark eyes.

Plus, wasn't Kyle Rayner being half-Hispanic only retconned later on? I'm not saying Billy Batinez needs to come from the barrio, or Marvel needs to sport a lightning-bolt bling, but getting an actor who looks the part and happens to be Hispanic, while being faithful to the comics wouldn't kill the character either. If Jessica Alba can wear those horrendous contacts and play Sue Storm business as usual, can't see why casting a non-WASP actor as a classically dark-haired, olive-skinned character would be too drastic.

So do you want a latino actor to play Marvel or want the character to be latino? I don't care who they cast as the Big Red Cheese, but if you make the character latino you have to waste time throwing in all the stuff that makes him that ethnicity and it would take away from the story.

There is enough backstory and history with the Marvel Family that you don't need to muddy it up playing the race gimmick.
I never said the character should be rewritten to be Hispanic. But if a Latino actor happened to be cast, it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think DC retconned Krypton to be in Japan when Dean Cain was cast, but he looked the part and still did a great job.
I never said the character should be rewritten to be Hispanic. But if a Latino actor happened to be cast, it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't think DC retconned Krypton to be in Japan when Dean Cain was cast, but he looked the part and still did a great job.

I don't know how well a story about a boy yelling "Shazam!" and turning into George Lopez would connect with audiences.
Kind of a stupid stereotype to think that a latino character would have to "turn into George Lopez".

Captain Marvel and Billy could easily be portrayed by hispanic actors without the movie turning into "American Me-the comicbook". And dare I say it actually might do society some good to watch something like that with respectible latino characters, as long as the lame brains who linger in such shallow puddles of thought don't go all "they stole my childhood" with it.
Out of curiosity, where is all this interest in making Captain Marvel a Latino coming from? I never read him that way in the comic. I don't have anything necessarily against it, I just don't know why him. Why not make Flash a Latino instead? Or Wonder Woman? Captain Marvel seems like a fairly off-the-wall choice.
Wonder Woman is Greek, so casting a Hispanic actress would probably look closer to her ethnicity than a pasty white chick. Flash is a red-headed white guy, no point in casting anyone other than that.

Captain Marvel is black-haired, and usually portrayed with dark eyes and olive skin. Unless you resurrect Fred MacMurray and pump him full of roids, or cast someone like Bruce Campbell or Patrick Warburton, while knocking years off their age, you'd be hard pressed to find an average non-Latino, non-Italian white guy that actually looks like Marvel, without dying his hair or tanning.

An excellent choice would be Joe Magnaniello from True Blood. He's mixed Italian/Armenian, but looks more like a comic book superhero than guys like Bale or Cavil.
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Europeans see race so different to Americans, so it just puzzles me when I see a pasty white Mexican say he is not white, (Because there is most likely a lot of European in his genealogy)
Greeks are classed as white, so are Spanish, Romanians and the darkest of the olive skinned Italians.
Captain Marvel is black-haired, and usually portrayed with dark eyes and olive skin.

Where? I get your point, that if there is a possibility to cast along the lines of a character's ethnicity that Hollywood shouldn't shy away from, and Monica Antonopulos or Maria Menounos theoretically should be given as much pull as Wonder Woman than Teresa Palmer or Adrianne Palicki but I've never seen an Olive skinned Captain Marvel. Historically he has been shown to be Superman's mirror in many ways even to the point where there have been storylines where they swap identity so my question is sincere and not a joke even though it may not read that way.

I am not a huge fan of Captain Marvel so it might be that I'm unaware but the entire Marvel family (Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Mary) have all been shown with fair skin as far back as I can remember.

There are members of the Captain Marvel universe that have olive skin most notably

Black Adam (which The Rock has been dying to play for years publically)

and of course Osiris:

but I couldn't find a shot of an olive skinned Marvel. Even the shots from the cartoons where his complexion was darker, he matched Superman in tone. You've posted it twice, I'm just interested in finding the point of reference.
I really didn't like RR as Hal, I thought he was too goofy too often. Assuming RR plays Hal again (which I never thought was the right choice and still think is the wrong choice for Hal), I hope they write Hal as a more serious character and RR can act more serious and be less of a goofball.