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Interestingly enough the Hollywood Reporter posted that Reynolds even though it was thought he was signed for 3, he might try and exercise the options in his contracts to Warner Bros and not do a sequel. They mentioned that he has so much work offered to him that he is in the spot of picking and choosing, hell even his turn as Deadpool is threatened by this sequel's original timeframe and three other films he is supposedly in negotiations with.

Even if they greenlight a sequel and they move forward on this front it apparently isn't a done deal with Reynolds?

...though Reynolds is said to be willing to reprise the role, several industry sources expressed doubt that another excursion would be a good move for him. “It’s not like he doesn’t have career choices,” the rival executive said. “He has no need to do it.”

I think a Green Lantern sequel has quite a few hills to climb either way but this was an interesting note:

Warners’ deep marketing spend has familiarized worldwide audiences with the character. And studio franchises are not just about box office any more. Disney’s Cars, one of Pixar’s lowest-grossing and least-embraced films, launched a $1 billion global licensing juggernaut that paved the way for the just-released sequel. Similarly, Warners is planning an aggressive roll-out of Green Lantern merchandise, with more than 100 global licensees, an animated series, games and theme park rides. A Lantern sequel could feed all of those revenue streams.
Plus, a talent rep associated with the film argues that the studio has learned from the first movie and could correct the tone of a sequel, hire a director with more CG experience and/or mandate a lower budget.

The window is definitely open...
Would prefer to see Reynolds come back. Always a bit surprising when they back away from Roles that could really be something awesome over a long run.
I didn't have a problem with Reynolds. I like Reynolds but I was happy to see him pull it back much more than he could have in this role. I've noticed that in about 90% of the bad reviews about the first film, Reynolds is credited and most of the reviewers both professional and non admit to not liking him in general. He didn't transcend that obviously in this but a sequel could give him an opportunity to really break those views upon him by allowing him to really get heroic.
I agree he did a solid job and could do even better if he sticks around if there is a sequel.
:lol. Yes I'm aware of your Reynolds as Deadpool campaign. If it happens just expect for a lot of "HEY THAT'S HAL! WHY IS HAL USING SWORDS and WHERE IS HIS RING?!?" posts. :pfft:

But still...I didnt hate GL. So, dont think of this as my mastah plan. :lol

I hope they're gonna do a GL nod. I'm sure they will.
I read "theme park rides" and forgot what the article was about, so I had to go back and reread it. :lol

I thought Reynolds did a good job, but I don't know much about Hal to evaluate like that.
The Green Lantern rollercoaster opens this weekend at Six Flag Magic Mountain in Ventura, CA. It looks amazing...

omfg That Green Lantern coaster looks AMAZING! Supes...I think I'd need a tranquilizer before I get on it, but it looks damned fun too!
the green lantern coaster looks amazing i love six flags i wish the northwest had anything that was even close.
I almost threw up just watching that...

I don't think I would be brave enough to go on any of those, including the kiddie ones. :monkey4
The Green Lantern Sequel to be edgier with more action

Warner Bros President Jeff Robinov briefly discussed the changes that would be make if a follow up to this summer's superhero flop were to get green lit.

During it's theatrical run, Green Lantern only grossed $114 million domestically and $40 internationally, which puts it very short of it's reported but not confirmed $200 million production and $125 million marketing costs.

Warner Bros President Jeff Robinov recently spoke with the LA Times Hero Complex about the fate of the property. Though he does feel that an enthusiastic audience is there for the property (citing the $53 mil opening weekend numbers), Robinov stated that several changes would have to be made for Green Lantern 2 to come to fruition: “We had a decent opening so we learned there is an audience. To go forward we need to make it a little edgier and darker with more emphasis on action…. And we have to find a way to balance the time the movie spends in space versus on Earth.”

The site continued to point out several talking points from Robinov, including:

- One change the executives are quite certain of, however: They would like a new director. However, one person close to Campbell said the director’s contract gave him an option to work on a sequel.

- Warner will likely make significant changes to the outline (scripted by Greg Berlanti, Michael Green and Marc Guggenheim), if not start over from scratch, in developing a sequel.

- Robinov said the studio has “a solid script” for the Scarlet Speedster [aka The Flash]. The executive also remains interested in bringing DC heroes together for a “Justice League” movie.

Green Lantern is scheduled to complete it's staggered, world wide theatrical release course over the few months, which will discontinue well before the film's home release hits store shelves this December.

Directed by Martin Campbell, Green Lantern stars Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Mark Strong, Peter Sarsgaard, Tim Robbins and Angela Bassett. The film is currently playing in 2D and 3D international venues.
Captain America and Thor outperformed Green Lantern without being dark and edgy. DC needs to stop trying to morph everything into The Dark Knight.
Glad they're gonna make a second and if they approach it as GL vs Sinestro it could be a bit darker which would work.
Kind of sad that Green Lantern gets a sequel while Superman Returns didn't.........I liked Routh in the Supes role MUCH more then Reynolds in the GL role.
Captain America and Thor outperformed Green Lantern without being dark and edgy. DC needs to stop trying to morph everything into The Dark Knight.

I agree. Unless they're going for a Blackest Night tie-in I don't think it needs to be much darker than the first one. There definitely needs to be more action though.

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