Insufferable S.O.B.
Nice. The work on the eyes make it look like Kilmer.
Cheers Pete. I love painting his heads so much they are fantastic with all the detail. I think its impossible to paint them wrong to be honest lol
Just some quick pictures taken with my phone tomorrow I will have much better pictures of this so stay tuned
Further PM sent
He will always get back to people eventually but he currently has his hands full with Big Chief Studios so the key is to just be patient.
He will always get back to people eventually but he currently has his hands full with Big Chief Studios so the key is to just be patient.
Gregg will not let you people down. I have no doubts of that.
Just to let everyone know I'm still around, but Im having a hard time with a few things at the moment. I will answer my PMs when I can I'm just over worked and over stressed at the moment. But I'll be back I hope lol. In the meantime any body who hasns't paid for any custom heads and would like to have the heads back please let me know and I'll try and sort them out for you. I'm working on paid heads first to free me up some time. Sorry Again guys.