Here is my painted Rainman Ed Norton head. This was such a pleasure to paint, a truly fantastic sculpt. Hopefully I will have my whole finished piece soon still waiting for some parts

I wanted to capture the tiredness of Jack in the film. Hope you enjoy
Also here is a little sneak peak of my Furni Catalog for Jack.
Im going to be offering sets of paper accessories for Fight Club. Hopefully I will have them all sorted by tonight and then I will upload more pictures.
In the set you will get. for $25
Marla Singer burned Number Paper
Tyler Durden Business Card
2x FMC Business Cards
Jack Annotated Reader Book
Furni Catalog
5 leaflets including Blood Parasites, The truth about Leukemia, Testicular cancer, sickle cell anemia and Tuberculosis.
Airways Safety Card
Rules of Fight Club.
let me know if your intrested