OK, so I picked up this for PS3 yesterday. Yes, I have it for 360, but I wanted to cheat my ass off, as it's a lot of fun in GTA and have not done it on the 360, as I want all the acheivement points.
Well, so I noticed that there are tons of guys having gun battles in the street and ^^^^ and shooting it out with cops and stuff. I don't know if this is from using the cheat codes for Weapons and the Health/Armor cheat code, but I never noticed it was like this on the 360 version, at least never like this. It's like "Heat" is happening in Liberty City!!!!
Is this common-place on the PS3 or is this from using the cheat codes. I don't care one way or another, I just thought it was pretty kick ass!
And I love that pop-in has more or less disappeared from the PS3 version! So nice to see the city as a whole when walking around, not for it just to kinda jump at me when I'm walking down the street.