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OK, so I picked up this for PS3 yesterday. Yes, I have it for 360, but I wanted to cheat my ass off, as it's a lot of fun in GTA and have not done it on the 360, as I want all the acheivement points.
Well, so I noticed that there are tons of guys having gun battles in the street and ^^^^ and shooting it out with cops and stuff. I don't know if this is from using the cheat codes for Weapons and the Health/Armor cheat code, but I never noticed it was like this on the 360 version, at least never like this. It's like "Heat" is happening in Liberty City!!!!

Is this common-place on the PS3 or is this from using the cheat codes. I don't care one way or another, I just thought it was pretty kick ass!

And I love that pop-in has more or less disappeared from the PS3 version! So nice to see the city as a whole when walking around, not for it just to kinda jump at me when I'm walking down the street.
I've noticed ^^^^ going down on the PS3 version, but nothing Heat-style (outside of the bank robbery mission :lol )

It's so interesting just to sit back and watch the people of Liberty City go about their day.
I've noticed ^^^^ going down on the PS3 version, but nothing Heat-style (outside of the bank robbery mission :lol )

It's so interesting just to sit back and watch the people of Liberty City go about their day.

Yeah, I'm not ^^^^ing kidding, like 2 cars of guys were shooting it out with the cops. They had AKs and M4s. And they had big bags slung over their shoulders. So I stepped in with my RPG and put the whole thign to rest and scooped up all the cash. Lost the Wanted with the cheat real quick too!! Got like $5K in like 30 minutes of playing!!

Should have taken a picture!! Crap!!
Yeah, I'm not ^^^^ing kidding, like 2 cars of guys were shooting it out with the cops. They had AKs and M4s. And they had big bags slung over their shoulders. So I stepped in with my RPG and put the whole thign to rest and scooped up all the cash. Lost the Wanted with the cheat real quick too!! Got like $5K in like 30 minutes of playing!!

Should have taken a picture!! Crap!!

It's because you have the codes active.

Same way in Vice City and in San Andreas.
It's because you have the codes active.

Same way in Vice City and in San Andreas.

Yeah, but I've only entered the Health/Armor/Refill Weapons Code. It's one code. It says nothing like in GTA: VC/SA when they talk about actually giving guns to every pedestrian. And none are attacking me like in those codes too.

I've seen this on the 360, just not like this. I was looking for someone that is a regular PS3 player to let me know whats up.
Was I supposed to kill Faust? I didn't wait for his begging/explanation (itchy trigger finger) and then Dimitri immediately turned on me. Just wondering if there was an alternative route or if this was how game is supposed to go? I'm only 18% into it.
Was I supposed to kill Faust? I didn't wait for his begging/explanation (itchy trigger finger) and then Dimitri immediately turned on me. Just wondering if there was an alternative route or if this was how game is supposed to go? I'm only 18% into it.

No, he had to go. It was all part of Dimitri's plan. Get Niko to kill his loony boss so he can take over, then get rid of Niko. I think Dimitri said something to Niko about him having to die. The family wanted Niko dead because of all the mob people he killed (by order of Faust).
Hey guys I dont know if this has been asked before but.. How the hell do I get Kate (Packye Sister) to put out Ive taken her out all kinds and she just wont give it up:naughty?
Damn if getting Dimitri on the boat isn't whooping my ass! Even making a pitstop at the ammo shop isn't keeping me alive long enough. :(