I watched this on Kodi last night and my family and I enjoyed it. Not as good as the first, but enjoyable. We are going to see it on the big screen this Sunday.
I found it interesting how much they focused on the relationships and interactions between the characters, rather than plot.
Other than that, it failed to connect with me.
It is an excellent example why movies need a through-story of some kind; its difficult to stand on subplots alone. Without some kind of driving force, the subplots can begin to feel as if they are simply meandering with no sense of urgency to tell their story.
Does anyone know if the cassette tape of Vol. 2 will be available? I got the first one on eBay when they sold it on record day but I haven't heard anything about this one.
Surprised there are no posts here in two days
The MCU's best movie since GOTG1.
Loved the movie just as much as the first one! Lots of Marvel characters in it!! Keep an eye out for them!
Just saw the film, not getting the mixed reviews.... I enjoyed it as much, if not more, than the first.
I really enjoyed Drax and Yondu this time around and Mantis was a great addition.