Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - May 5th, 2017

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - 9/10

Excellent movie. It takes what was established in the first movie and delves deeper. We still have the sci-fi action, the wonderful creature/set/environment designs, comedy, soundtrack, and character moments that made the first film so entertaining, but adds in a very potent element of emotion and heart.

We gain a greater understanding of what makes this ragtag group gel together, what their individual fears are, what makes them tick. Characters like Rocket have their tough exterior stripped to reveal their scared and insecure core.

If you liked "Guardians of the Galaxy", then "Vol. 2" is a superb continuation of not only the overall story, but the individual journeys of Peter, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Yondu and Nebula.

Can't wait to watch again.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - 9/10

Excellent movie. It takes what was established in the first movie and delves deeper. We still have the sci-fi action, the wonderful creature/set/environment designs, comedy, soundtrack, and character moments that made the first film so entertaining, but adds in a very potent element of emotion and heart.

We gain a greater understanding of what makes this ragtag group gel together, what their individual fears are, what makes them tick. Characters like Rocket have their tough exterior stripped to reveal their scared and insecure core.

If you liked "Guardians of the Galaxy", then "Vol. 2" is a superb continuation of not only the overall story, but the individual journeys of Peter, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Yondu and Nebula.

Can't wait to watch again.

Well said.
I saw this movie five times over the weekend and I absolutely loved it. Sure, the "newness" isn't replicated from the first, but it really can't be, so I wasn't expecting it. The movie more than makes up for that with familiarity, hilarity, and heart. There are parts of this movie that genuinely moved me, and that's more than what I hope for out of a comic book movie. In fact, I was moved the most during my fifth viewing, but that may've been because I saw it with my daughter, and was watching her reactions as well.
I'm not sure if I can say it was better than the first, but it isn't any worse. As of right now, I like it better, but realize that could change after things settle down. Still ... I'm a huge fan of the MCU, and this is definitely in my top five of MCU films.
No such thing as a 10, wut!

All are 11's!

Good Bad Ugly
Die Hard 1
Robocop 1
Predator 1
Fast Times Ridgemont
The Thing original and remake
Friday 13th 1
Exorcist 1
Halloween 1
American Werewolf London
Road Warrior
Batman 89
LOTR trilogy

They might even be 11.5!

That list can even be much longer!
Well said.
I saw this movie five times over the weekend. . .


No such thing as a 10, wut!

All are 11's!

Good Bad Ugly
Die Hard 1
Robocop 1
Predator 1
Fast Times Ridgemont
The Thing original and remake
Friday 13th 1
Exorcist 1
Halloween 1
American Werewolf London
Road Warrior
LOTR trilogy

They might even be 11.5!
There are a small smattering of films I might give a 10. Citizen Kane, maybe Alien. That's a hard damn bar to cross for me, though. Essentially a flawless movie. Even those I really love almost always have something that gets in the way of that.
No such thing as a 10, wut!

All are 11's!

Good Bad Ugly
Die Hard 1
Robocop 1
Predator 1
Fast Times Ridgemont
The Thing original and remake
Friday 13th 1
Exorcist 1
Halloween 1
American Werewolf London
Road Warrior
Batman 89
LOTR trilogy

They might even be 11.5!

That list can even be much longer!

It's spelled "Rogue" jye, not "Logan." And you forgot the One at the end.

Crap I forgot to add RO.


Oh, well nevermind then, you're good. :lol You know you'd watch that movie a hundred times over 90% of the other movies on your list. ;)
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Ok fine if you accept RO for me and Khev we'll accept XMA for you lol.

Now, would I sacrifice Logan for RO?

*Looks both ways to see if DiFabio is coming with a semi.

It felt so small compared to 2.

Jokes still didn't land for me as much as 2 did, not even close.

I still love Ronan's design and his back and forth with Thanos.

Soundtrack still kicks ass.

3D was good.

But I now feel confident with GOTG2 > GOTG1.
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DiFabio's responses brings a smile to my face while at work.

I write stoopid **** just for your response gifs lol.

But all I see is a-dev chasing him in that gif lol.
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Part two had more lines that struck home with me than part 1. Both were good, but as a father part two brought it home for me. I can understand Yondu, Peter, and to some extent Ego. But Ego was such a big scumbag that I would have the same reaction Peter did when finds out about his mother.

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