It looks better without so many of the raindrops on the umbrella
Think I'm going to pass on this one...very nice lookign statue, though. I have MJ on PO, and I think I'll stick with her alone from this series.
Gwen and MJ were musts for me. i'd sadly will pass on the spidy, hes an A star marvel character so will see him again in 1/4 so i'll wait and hope to not regret
She is 16 inches to the top of her head, and 18 inches to the top of the statue....guess it is worth the extra $20 ... Lol
You sound like a guy trying hard not to fall in love with this line so you can justify going after the original comiquette.
Happy there is still no NRD. Ordered, what, 1 month til Spidey?
It looks better without so many of the raindrops on the umbrella
lol $320 for such a small statue pass!!