People who hate on these DGG film trilogy are not true Halloween Michael Myers fans. If you are a true fan then no matter what they put out will be good in your eyes. Yes there are some things wrong with these past two films as with any film that's put out. Could things have been done a little better or differently? Absolutely, but we should take whatever we can get and be happy with it . I myself personally love these films because they stuck to the source material. Every other Halloween film, they showed Michael Myers eyes and he never had the damage from the hanger in his left eye

. I cannot wait for Halloween Ends
I Am with you here, lonely place though, I felt this film was a good Halloween film and caught tbe mood well.
My review:
Halloween Kills: 7/10
I know I am alone on this one, but this was a pretty good Halloween film.
I think its light years better than 5/6/7
Better than H20.
I like the transition to the” he is no longer a man, but something else feeding off violence and death.”
I enjoyed the flashbacks, and the tie ins to the original. The middle mob scene was a bit heavy handed, but I got what they were going for, and modern movie audeieces are pretty stuoid, so you have to be blunt and obvious with any kind of story.
I always liked the Halloween franchise to be the boogeyman story. So I did enjoy oarts of the Thorn ideas, and felt that could have been a good story, if told by capable filmakers.
Really curious to see where they take this. Hopefully the next one is not as in your face with the analogies….
I do see why a certain segment of population would feel “attacked” but some
of the obvious messages, but what do those types not feel attacked by these days.
Halloween 18
then all the rest are trash. including those awful RZ snuff films.