Halo: ODST

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Unlocking the Recon Suit in Halo 3: ODST - A Brief Look at the Mythic Map Pack Skulls
Written Tuesday, March 03, 2009 by Dan Webb

In my 26 years of life, I've had to get my head round some pretty complicated stuff, especially being a law graduate. Land Law is a complicated mess in the UK, trust me, and until tonight, that was the last time I was ever so slightly confused.

Tonight, long standing member Maka ran me through the stipulations for unlocking the Recon Suit in the upcoming Halo 3: ODST follow up title. This post allows me to do one of two things:

1. Breaks down what it takes to unlock the suit, and;

2. Lets us show you where the skulls are in the upcoming Mythic Map pack which will interest some considering the map pack is unreleased at the mo (unless you bought the Limited Edition of Halo Wars).

So in order to unlock the Recon Suit in Halo 3: ODST ... NOT Halo 3, you must do the following achievements/tasks:

1. Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch
Get to the rank of Lieutenant in any playlist in the new EXP progression system.

2. Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7
Enter into any ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on the 7th of the month (I'm informed that that is the 7th of any month as well).

3. Vidmaster Challenge: Annual
After 9/25/08, complete Halo on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op, with Iron, and everyone in Ghosts (sounds a little whacky, but ok).

4. Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan
Find all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps.

With the LE release of Halo Wars, players can now get their hands on the first 3 of 6 skulls needed to get your Recon Suit which are found in each of the Mythic Map Pack levels; the other 3 are set to ship in Halo 3: ODST maps.

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To complicate it a little more, the last skull on the Sandbox map will need a special map variant to get to it. Throw in a few Halo 3: ODST challenges and the Recon Suit is yours.

Now in hindsight, I don't think it was actually that complicated, I think I just had an awkward teacher ... and not the type where you are distracted because of a unbuttoned blouse, the one that confuses you more. Ha ha. Cheers Maka.

i sold my map pack code from halo wars, so i need to wait for the XBL release to start those. i still need to get another vidmaster achievement (finish the last mission with ghosts) as well. but i never understood why people care so much about the recon suit.
Yeah it is only available to Bungie employees and a select few who Bungie deemed worthy. It's the exclusiveness that draws people. Much like the Hayabusa armor did when people didn't know where the last skull was to get it.
Okay I'm still a little confused about this game. I know it's gonna be sold as a separate title, but it's really an expansion of sorts to Halo 3. But is the multiplayer gonna be Halo 3's multiplayer, just accessed from ODST, or is it gonna have it's own separate multipayer?

Also I imagine it'll have it's own achievements for the campaign, but are all the other achievements gonna be the same as Halo 3, as in if you have all those unlocked, they'll be unlocked in ODST? Anyone know by chance?
^^i hate to sound like a douche, but i hope it has its own MP system and not piggybacking off of Halo 3's. there's just way too many people on there, and if they have to start from the bottom again at least there is a little bit of level playing field. even though the rank structure isn't like COD or Killzone.
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Purchasers of the $99 Collector's Edition of the Xbox 360-exclusive Halo 3 ODST will get this handsome controller bundled with the game. A Microsoft press release referred to the controller as an "exclusive," implying that it will only come with Bungie's September Halo spin-off.

Re: Halo 3: Recon

Should have played though on hard first. Took me way longer than 6 hours.
me too.. it took me a good 10+ hours between playing by myself and playing with co-op on occasion. i'm thinking about buying it again just to jump on some cool co-op. anybody down??