Super Freak
I do like the Zangief Av though.
sex you. sex you very much.
I do like the Zangief Av though.
Ill send mine on the 18th.So who wants to give me an ODST disc???
Thats not it.No underscore.
My gamertag is wezchief 20 if anyone wants to face me lol. I hope its safe to post your gamertag on the internet.
Nope, got to level 50, all I need know is the 1-40 horde achievement and I'm done for good with the "broke ass game"
I don't have ODST, but you guys can add me
GT: Congerking
So now that we have all of these add are there actually going to be games tonight?
I am not on Tonight, as I am watching the election for my sins
Oh noes! Join me....Hey Dino Join me.....join me.......hey you....dino....join me.....
I would love to, but the future of my country is too important, and they need me to take control if there is a hung parliament
never gets interesting until about 2am
Yeah I know, but the wife is watching it with me.
Will definitely be on tomorrow