This looks great. And it looks like the background is part of it too. I'm glad I got the Leia as Boushh figure.
I am expecting (nothing less than) light functions on this piece..
Would be a big disappointment if it did not have lights. Hot Toys can do, no reason why Sideshow cant.
No lights= L A M E !!!!
*fingers crossed*
If Hot Toys can put lights in Iron Mans hands and chest, Sideshow has no excuse as to why they can't put a couple lights in an environment type setup as this.
Hell, they did T2 LS bust so that the eye fades out when you power it down just like in the movie. SSC's no stranger to lights in their pieces.
Well, I'll bet many of us (myself included) are wondering how we'll have to re-set of Jabba display for this.
In busts and statues, yes. In 1/6 figures, not so much. The only thing I can think of offhand is the (disastrous in my opinion) Sidious & holochair.
I will be shocked if this comes with lights.