KurJen - Kurgan Mod
Good episode tonight. I think Graham is starting to have his suspicions of Hannibal. Looking forward to next week.
Good episode tonight. I think Graham is starting to have his suspicions of Hannibal. Looking forward to next week.
I really thought Hannibal was going to off his patient or the patient's friend. Am I wrong in thinking that he was taking out his frustration about that by going on a killing spree? Or was his killing spree to take advantage of the organ harvester killer so both sets of murders would be muddled together? Or both? And was Hannibal reluctant about his blood test because it would reveal something about him being a cannibal?
I loved the line, "Just a warning--none of these dishes are vegetarian!"
And another Bryan Fuller alumni: Ellen Greene from Pushing Daisies!
It'd be a damned shame if this gets canceled. Every episode has been so good (I haven't watched the censored webisode). Besides the story and acting, the cinematography has been excellent.
I've been a Kids in the Hall fan for a long time... Scott Thompson was such an odd casting choice for such a serious show that it works perfectly.
I hope this show survives. I hate that this is on the bubble, and other crap shows have already been renewed. I love Mads portrayal of Hannibal. I can't wait to see the next episode. Hannibal will need to throw Will off his tracks.
Watching the first Ep now
What episode are you lot in America on?
I think Graham is starting to have his suspicions of Hannibal.
Yes and no.
Consumption of human flesh would leave myoglobin in your blood at abnormal levels. Myoglobin generally only gets to abnormal levels in humans under three conditions
1) They are overtraining in terms of physical activity/fitness, usually resulting in "rhabdo" ( i.e. the breaking down of skeletal muscle, which releases the myoglobin as a reaction)
2) They have been in some kind of incident to cause major damage to their own skeletal muscle, such as being in a car wreck.
3) They've been eating other humans.
To a normal physician, as Lecter also has a medical background, he can simply say he's a Cross Fitter. Or he was a car accident like a medium fender bender he didn't report because of insurance, etc. To Will Graham? A guy who can basically sniff deer **** off a sandal from 400 yards away? He'd empty his full mag from his Glock into Lecter before he could turn around.
Lecter's apprehension I think is built in from writers to help the audience resolve the tension between his dual roles. He's not quite complete antagonistic to Graham or Crawford. And there are elements of him that seem even attracted to the female psychologist.
My take on Lecter is that he wants to get caught, he wants the notoriety. Graham is a challenge, Graham is not predictable, Graham can make connections that most cannot. For a guy like Lecter, ultra intelligent where killing and manipulation is so easy for him, he's finally presented with a challenge. He likes that "whiff" of indecency as he feeds them human flesh under their noses. He likes being on the inside, laughing at them, as they struggle to catch other killers.
Every villain has some "fatal flaw". It's a necessity of the story and it's needed to create a real three dimensional character. For Lecter, it's his hubris. Lecter focuses on what makes Graham and him very much the same. He does not however, focus on what makes them different ( it's the doubt that Graham has, the small portion of insecurity that comes with his gift ( or curse) that keeps him crossing that line to being a killer himself) I think Lecter sees that as Graham's weakness when actually it's Graham's strength. His doubts ask him to constantly evaluate everything, while Lecter is so used to being right, he's not prepared to be surprised or caught without forethought.
I disagree. He does want notoriety, but not at the expense of his freedom and the freedom to do what he loves.My take on Lecter is that he wants to get caught, he wants the notoriety.
Maybe this series is changing the dynamics between Lecter and Graham but in Red Dragon that wasn't the case. Lecter actually liked Graham, and enjoyed spending time with him. He didn't view him as a challenge. He was, for all intents and purposes, a friend who engaged Lecter on an intellectual level. He enjoyed watching his mind work and conversing. He was actually disappointed when their relationship had to end.For a guy like Lecter, ultra intelligent where killing and manipulation is so easy for him, he's finally presented with a challenge.
Again, maybe the interpretation is different but in Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon, Lecter wasn't feeding all his guests human flesh to secretly laugh at them. It was essentially a way for him to enjoy his (twisted) passion in the open, in the company of others. And to a certain degree even on the show it's the same. He's not laughing at the people he's serving. He's feeding them food that makes them happy, despite the fact if they knew what they were actually eating it would make them sick. Which is an interesting dichotomy: how a single meal/experience can change and have two completely different outcomes simply based on a piece of information i.e. the food you're eating is another human being. Minus that, everyone who dines with Lecter is fully satisfied and impressed with the meal. But they obviously wouldn't be if they knew the ingredients. Just like in Hannibal (The Movie) when he feeds that little kid some human brains; He's not doing it to then secretly laugh at the kid. He does it to feel normal. To make other people a part of his world.He likes that "whiff" of indecency as he feeds them human flesh under their noses.
True. But Lecter is a serial killer, and they all have the same "fatal flaw" which is.. they can't stop killing. If you look at every serial killer ever caught, that's how the majority were nabbed. They kept killing, and in turn, kept leaving more evidence and clues.Every villain has some "fatal flaw".
End Season 1 revealing to viewers what Lector is actually capable of doing.
End Season 2 with Graham starting to suspect Lector.
End Season 3 with Lector's capture.