Happy New Year, y'all

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Torturer of OCD
CF Supporter
Feb 3, 2006
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City of Angels
This never happened... yet its still accurate.

Some other fantastical momnets that were once "the future":

1984 - Big Brother took over without most everyone realizing it.
-The first T-800 series Terminator arrived
1985 - Dr. Emmet Brown created a time machine and sent some kid Back in time altering The Future
1987- Earth devastated by a nuclear war, Buck Rogers was found adrift and re-awakened
1982- Khan Noonien Singh rose to power, assumed dictatorial control of planet Earth. Beginning the Eugenics Wars as he fled to "seed space".
1991 - Conquest of the planet, by Apes.
1993 Jurassic Park was constructed on Isla Nublar.
1995 - T-1000 was sent by Skynet to kill John Connor
1997 - A wall was built around Manhattan maximum security penitentiary Snake Pliskin Escaped from NY.
-The Robinson family became Lost In Space.
- Origianl "Judgment Day" occurred, machines became sentient and begin a war against humans.
1999 - Nuclear waste dumped on the far side of the Moon exploded, sending the Moon hurtling into deep space, carrying Moonbase Alpha along with it.
- Astronauts discovered an alien monolith on the Moon
- Phillip J. Fry was cryogenically frozen and sent 1000 years into the Futurama.
2001 -
An extraterrestrial obelisk was found on the Moon, prompting an investigation flight to Jupiter which was sabotaged by HAL 9000
2005 -The Elder people Martian were chronicled living among humans. - Nuclear siege befell Earth
- Transformers robots in disguise revealed themselves.
2009 - Transgenic Max Guevera (Dark Angel) escaped the Manticore government facility; terrorists detonate an electro-magnetic pulse device that devastated civilization.
2010 - the being once known as David Bowman returned to Earth, merged with HAL 9000. Jupiter explodes, forming Lucifer, a small sun and warning to humanity.
2015- Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive from traveling forward in time from the year 1985.
2019 - Blade Runner officer Rick Deckard picked up by Gaff to do one final job .
- Akira escapes
2021- Johnny Mnemonic's society consumed by virtual realities degenerative effect.
- The UK abolished democracy and mass infertility plagues humanity leaving little hope for The Children of Men
- The first astral gate constructed, allowing interplanetary travel for the crew of the Bebop
2022- New York City become overpopulated with 40 million starving citizens, Soylent Green becomes available. ;)

Happy New Year!

(please add to the list)
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Happy New Year!


The last few years I've POed a figure every NY. This time nothing jumped out at me. Out of habit I was planning to go with either AOTC Anakin or NWH Spider-Holland, but I changed my mind. We'll get another Spider-Holland with surely the same suit in Spider-Holland 4. 2023 has the Sony game's sequel and I'm rooting for a SpOck suit. Tobey will probably come back in Secret Wars. So there's really no need to jump on it now; my Spider-MegaFan days are behind me and I need just a basic representation. AOTC Anakin was a more difficult choice. I'm a (mostly) a one-figure-per character person, so I wasn't planning displays based on specific moments and films. I wanted a PT Jedi set-up, a Republic set-up, an Empire set-up, etc. But I did like the idea of having all the stages of Anakin in succession. Lil'Ani which'd never happen, then Padawan, then Knight and finally Vader. So Padawan Ani would be the first of such a display. But that'd mean needing to buy an extra Vader and an extra ROTS Anakin, which became too expensive for such a display. Half the figures would be obscured anyhow, due to the figure in the front. It works in theory, but in reality it'd come off kinda silly I think. So I'm without a dolly PO for the first time in years. Maybe I'll get an Omni or PO some JoyToy 40K Spesh Maureens. Well, it's good to shake things up once in a while.

Anyway, Happy New Year to all, and let's hope 2023 brings us even more dolls! I want my Geriatric Man In Plastic Hoverchair, dammit!
Some other fantastical things that were once the future we survived, before Soylent Green

1984 - Big Brother took over without most everyone realizing it.
-The first T-800 series Terminator arrived
1985 - Dr. Emmet Brown created a time machine and sent some kid Back in time altering The Future
1987- Earth devastated by a nuclear war, Buck Rogers was found adrift and re-awakened
1982- Khan Noonien Singh rose to power, assumed dictatorial control of planet Earth. Beginning the Eugenics Wars as he fled to "seed space".
1991 - Conquest of the planet, by Apes.
1993 Jurassic Park was constructed on Isla Nublar.
1995 - T-1000 was sent by Skynet to kill John Connor
1997 - A wall was built around Manhattan maximum security penitentiary Snake Pliskin Escaped from NY.
-The Robinson family became Lost In Space.
- Origianl "Judgment Day" occurred, machines became sentient and begin a war against humans.
1999 - Nuclear waste dumped on the far side of the Moon exploded, sending the Moon hurtling into deep space, carrying Moonbase Alpha along with it.
- Astronauts discovered an alien monolith on the Moon
- Phillip J. Fry was cryogenically frozen and sent 1000 years into the Futurama.
2001 -
An extraterrestrial obelisk was found on the Moon, prompting an investigation flight to Jupiter which was sabotaged by HAL 9000
2005 -The Elder people Martian were chronicled living among humans. - Nuclear siege befell Earth
- Transformers robots in disguise revealed themselves.
2009 - Transgenic Max Guevera (Dark Angel) escaped the Manticore government facility; terrorists detonate an electro-magnetic pulse device that devastated civilization.
2010 - the being once known as David Bowman returned to Earth, merged with HAL 9000. Jupiter explodes, forming Lucifer, a small sun and warning to humanity.
2015- Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive from traveling forward in time from the year 1985.
2019 - Blade Runner officer Rick Deckard picked up by Gaff to do one final job .
- Akira escapes
2021- Johnny Mnemonic's society consumed by virtual realities degenerative effect.
- The UK abolished democracy and mass infertility plagues humanity leaving little hope for The Children of Men
- The first astral gate constructed, allowing interplanetary travel for the crew of the Bebop
2022- New York City become overpopulated with 40 million starving citizens, Soylent Green becomes available. ;)

Happy New Year!

(please add to the list)
Damn... I really have to watch that one again.