Super Freak
Missed the link above I guess.
No sir, not missed, i'm at work and my komputer forbids most links outside of the norm!!!
edit: Is that better Kurgan brother?
Missed the link above I guess.
No sir, not missed, i'm at work and my komputer forbids most links outside of the norm!!!
edit: Is that better Kurgan brother?
woffart has shown his weakness for posting images he feels will upset or konfuse the krusade!!!
He is a maggot, no... For even a maggot has purpose!!! Woffart is maggot droppings and his lame attempts of naysayery reak of the fould stench of desperation!!!
The krusade laughs at your attempts...
still waiting
you'll wait a long time, as i am atm ^^^^ing your cancer afflicted mom...
Some pretty harsh words, if indeed its true his mother is plagued with Cancer.
and i'm actually giving her a nice dose of chemo with my ^^^^.
you'll wait a long time, as i am atm ^^^^ing your cancer afflicted mom...
even for an attention seeking deuche sack that's pretty low. Extra vinegary.
*she's in isolation though so you've probably confused it with ****ing your own mother after admitting to incest in another thread.
viktory kurgans !!!!! Viktory those ^^^^^ are now broken !!!
VALFART we all know what you look like. Don't mess up my thread with your ugly mug!!!!!!