Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--SPOILERS!!!

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Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Question for the Harry Potterites. This is what I found online in terms of the symbolic representation of the Deathly Hallows


How accurate is that? I want to get a tattoo (smaller one) of something that my wife is into (symbolic over something outdated like her name or something like that) and her first favorite TWILIGHT isn't giving me much to work with.

What, you don't want to tattoo "Edward" onto you? :lol But what about those circular tattoos all of the wolf pack members seem to have in New Moon? Would that possibly work for you (and your wife)?

But to answer your question, yeah that does seem to be the correct Deathly Hallows symbol, at least until a movie version is revealed. I imagine it would only be a few more months for one of those to pop up. Or there is the Dark Mark, Harry's Scar, the various Hogwarts Houses, etc. etc. Lots of Potter stuff you could tattoo.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

What, you don't want to tattoo "Edward" onto you? :lol But what about those circular tattoos all of the wolf pack members seem to have in New Moon? Would that possibly work for you (and your wife)?

Not 100% sold on it. I like the Native American vibe but still not 100%.


The Cullen crest is out of the question. I'm leaving myself open for destruction by ridicule with that one. :lol

But to answer your question, yeah that does seem to be the correct Deathly Hallows symbol, at least until a movie version is revealed. I imagine it would only be a few more months for one of those to pop up. Or there is the Dark Mark, Harry's Scar, the various Hogwarts Houses, etc. etc. Lots of Potter stuff you could tattoo.

The House crests are the same as the Cullen Crest, great for diehards but not really for something like this...

I'm interested to see what the movie version would be like maybe I'll wait until then.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Meh. I already married her....I don't have to work THAT hard. A simple symbol will do fine. :lol
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Question for the Harry Potterites. This is what I found online in terms of the symbolic representation of the Deathly Hallows


How accurate is that? I want to get a tattoo (smaller one) of something that my wife is into (symbolic over something outdated like her name or something like that) and her first favorite TWILIGHT isn't giving me much to work with.

You should get Robert Pattinson's portrait tattooed on your ^^^^.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Huh.....well then I could call her a Fangbanger and be truthful about it.....hmmmm...
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

But seriously - I'd wait for the movie version of the Hallows symbol - it's bound to be more interesting looking.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The new HP movie has been delayed 2 weeks in IMAX due to transformers.

"This is just not a great year for IMAX. It was recently discovered (by investors, so claims THR) that since IMAX made a contractual arrangement last year to give Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen a full 4 week run in its theaters, the IMAX debut of the new Harry Potter movie will be delayed by two weeks. IMAX made that arrangement with Paramount last year before Warner Brothers moved the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from November to July. And since Transformers hits on June 24th, its month-long run won't end until July 22nd, meaning Harry Potter won't show in IMAX until July 29th.
To make matters worse, this new Harry Potter will have 12 minutes of scenes converted to 3D, just like Order of the Phoenix did back in 2007 as well. Half-Blood Prince is set to officially hit theaters on July 15th - but it won't play in IMAX on that day like most were expecting. Actually, it will show in two IMAX screens on the 15th, one in New York and one in Los Angeles, but the rest of the world will have to wait until July 29th to see those 12 minutes in 3D in IMAX. This is yet another issue that IMAX will have to deal with coming off of the attempted boycott by Aziz Ansari due to screen size issues. Will the fans be upset again?"
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I will probably just wait to see it. Since I have read the book, it's not like I have to worry about spoilers.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Can't say I feel sorry for Warner Brothers. I'm still pissed by the 8 month delay. I get the whole wanting 2009 to look good on paper financially for them, but they could have released it earlier. A blockbuster like this can literally come out any time of the year and do well. It would probably do much better coming out in the off season. It would have the entire movie goer market for a while. During the summer you only get one or two really good weeks. Look at May this year: Wolverine, Stark Trek, Angels and Demons, Terminator Salvation, and Up. One each week. That pretty much ment they ruled the box office for a week and then started to die out (A&D being the one exception).

I imagine I'll go see it in IMAX though when it finally comes out. That is, if the film is good. I'm still worried about those bad early reviews of it before it got delayed. They really need to get the ending right for this film. If they blow the ending, the whole film is blown.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Can't say I feel sorry for Warner Brothers. I'm still pissed by the 8 month delay. I get the whole wanting 2009 to look good on paper financially for them, but they could have released it earlier. A blockbuster like this can literally come out any time of the year and do well. It would probably do much better coming out in the off season. It would have the entire movie goer market for a while. During the summer you only get one or two really good weeks. Look at May this year: Wolverine, Stark Trek, Angels and Demons, Terminator Salvation, and Up. One each week. That pretty much ment they ruled the box office for a week and then started to die out (A&D being the one exception).

I imagine I'll go see it in IMAX though when it finally comes out. That is, if the film is good. I'm still worried about those bad early reviews of it before it got delayed. They really need to get the ending right for this film. If they blow the ending, the whole film is blown.

They knew it would do well at anytime, but they wanted a HUGE hit for 2009.....stupid pencil pushing suits. Oh well, a couple of weeks isn't going to be much after 8 frakking months....But I will say, because of these debacles, I will only see it once. So WB can go ^^^^ themselves.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

WB are really dumb to wait this long.
I think that after the Lord of the rings movies coming out during the Christmas holidays most of us had a craving to see another good fantasy film the following Christmas seasons after. Disney took full advantage of this with The Lion the witch and the wardrobe, only to drop the ball by making the sequel a summer movie. I'm sure it will make lots of money but I can't help thinking that it would be more popular during the winter months. Oh, and if anybody mentions Eragon, that failed because it sucked
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The more I think about it, the more I'd love a line of 1:6 figures from Sideshow. This seems like a series with lots of untapped potential. The GG bust line seems to do fairly well as does NECA's 7" figures. 12" figures are sorely missed. Anybody know what is preventing Sideshow or anyone else from making some 1:6 figures?
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Sideshow is the only line that would possibly go as expansive as it could be. HT would never do it and MediCom is slow as molasses to get stuff out. SSC, if it were a good seller would really pump them out ala Star Wars and it would be much cheaper.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

In the most recent Q/A they said there are lots of members on the staff that are fans. I know it could do well if done right. I'm just thinking the issue is getting the license. I wish we knew more about the licensing situation and if there is anything we could do to help.

I asked Hot Toys if they had any plans for Harry Potter figures and they said they didn't. They would have looked amazing, but as you said we'd probably have gotten Harry, Ron, Voldemort, and Dumbledore and that would have been it. :lol

And with the "kids" grown up now, there isn't the excuse of not having a kid sized body (despite the Hobbit body gathering dust). And Gandalf proves a Dumbledore could come out fantastic. I imagine Sideshow could even bring in some new collectors with this license. This would seem like they could get Star Wars levels into if they do it right.
Re: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

The following would be my 'must haves' for Sideshow to make:

Dumbledore (both, but Harris preferred)
Lucius Malfoy
Mad Eye Moody
Quirrel (with switchable turban-less head)
Hagrid (would obviously be the "Chewie" of the line due to his size)
Death Eaters (both GoF's KKK style and OotP's metal masked ones)

I could go on, but these would be some of my favorites announced.