Has Enterbay and HotToys abandoned 1/4figs???

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Enterbay But what happened? Michael jordan, Michael jordan, Michael jordan ..... bla bla bla .... But rocky 1/4 scale? Big Boss 1/6 scale? We are already in the month of June and there is no image or news! What's going on Enterbay?:mad:
Irrelevant how? May mean nothing how? I think it is relevant and means something, regardless of the edition size.

Like I said, I think regardless of how many were made, sold out means it has met if not exceeded the sales target of the manufacturer. And these manufacturers as well as their distributors of course, know which franchise would sell more, and would produce more of these hot-sellers. While selling out would have to be the ultimate goal, I'm sure they have a more realistic sales quota. This is similar to the DX08 Nicholson Joker, that's still around. It's not sold out, but does that mean it didn't sell well? If so, why did HT come up with DX14 based on a less anticipated version of Nicholson Joker if it only meant another poor-selling figure?

It's possible that HT produced more of DX08 than other figures, for some reasons, that's why it still hasn't sold out. But who's to say that HT didn't meet or even exceeded their sales target for it?

I think, at this day and age of collecting where "limited edition" is not as limited as before, what's irrelevant is the edition size. What matters is if the manufacturers would break even, sell as much or more than their target, or sell out. :duff

You don't understand. If the profits from a run don't meet tooling and manufacturing costs + ROR, then the run is not worthwhile doing, regardless of it having sold out.
Enterbay But what happened? Michael jordan, Michael jordan, Michael jordan ..... bla bla bla .... But rocky 1/4 scale? Big Boss 1/6 scale? We are already in the month of June and there is no image or news! What's going on Enterbay?:mad:

Kind of how I felt half way through the year and no preorders??we had rumors of a whole line from enterbay
1/4 Rocky
1/4 T-1000
1/4 RoboCop
Rumored 1/4 endo
What happened? And from Hot Toys!! we didn't even get sneaks or wips of a 1/4?
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So pretty much screw us who bought 1/4 figs "we'll get to you when we get to you " is kind of how I feel on the answers
Yeah i think that's Howards way of saying don't hold your breath!I don't blame HT cause they dominate the 1/6 market so why jump onto a different scale when they're doing just fine where they're at!It sux that they have the Avengers license for 1/4 scale because all we'll probably see out of that is another Ironman.What a waste!Enterbay should take advantage of this and make some more 1/4 scale figs from the TDK line as well as the Terminator.^_^
Enterbay are not Hot Toys.
They are a much smaller company.

Its pretty obvious the Jordan line has completely overwhelmed them and they always appear to struggle with QC issues.

Just breathe a sigh of relief that your wallet isn't bleeding too much at the moment and buy them next year when they come out....
SAB,you're right about EB being small compared to HT!Isn't Enterbay a family run business?I remembered at one time EB was more popular than HT way back around '06 but look how the tables have turned!Personally,i believe in what goes around comes around!^_^
I am pretty sure they overestimated the demand for 1:4 figures. There are a few people here who are rabidly for it, but I bet the majority of their target consumers aren't interested.

No worries, HT fanboys will bandwagon into it. It'll pick up.

Might not be working as well with Enterbay but kudos to them for taking some risk and getting a little bit of reward back on that front.

When the 1/4 Batman's and Avenger's roll out, I think people will give it much more thought. Hopefully by then EB has picked up their slack by then and have a good line of 1/4 stuff to compete.
, but on a lighter note seems in this pic from enterbay 1/4 Jordan and LeBron figs or are they 1/6??
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The 1:4 market will continue. Enterbay started the 1:4 line because it's their loophole to get popular licenses that normally Hot Toys is holding. (Terminator2, The Dark Knight) Enterbay has been struggling to get more profitable licenses but Hot Toys hold many successful licenses and are in good relationships with those companies.

This explains why Hot Toys have been acquiring both 1:4 and 1:6 licenses for Batman Returns and Avengers. It's to prevent possible competitors like Enterbay to compete with them.
i think the biggest thing extinguishing the 1/4 scale fire is the price point. collectors see the price and figure they can get two 1/6 scale for the price of one. and transitioning one's collection to 1/4 scale would be an incredible financial undertaking too. if the companies stick to it, we may see more and more figures produced. until then, i'll just own a 1/4 scale batman.