Even is a bigger 6" scale they STILL can't get Hamill's likeness right.
Really strange how the paint applications are so hit and miss. My Darth Maul that I bought on Amazon is immaculate. Seriously, some of the cleanest, most precise paint work I've ever seen.
They nailed it that one time. The snowspeeder Luke was pretty much dead on hamill
I'm shocked at how much I love these in-hand. Was hesitant at first from the pics and some reviews but these are a lot of fun.
I think Bespin Luke is one of the most popular looks for the character. I'd rank it third behind X-Wing and Jedi personally.
That pic above of Bespin Luke looks great, but it's also heavily shadowed.
The video? He looks like a forlorn puppy. I bet underneath those eyes, brows and crappy paint is a fantastic Luke sculpt. It's a real pity. I know Luke gets his *** handed to him in the fight at Cloud City, but why would you ruin a sculpt that has that potential with those paint masters?