Super Freak
Palpatine was the figure I was most excited to see, but he doesn't look too good! Unless the finished product is better, I think I'll abandon this line. And I see I'm not the only one who's thinking this way!
Picked up Vader Chewy and two Lukes today. Really happy, 2 quick mods that I think make a decent different are extending Vaders neck a bit by inserting some blu tac into the ball socket. Second mod was carving out semi circles on Lukes chest near the shoulder, this allows him to bring both arms forward and almost cross them for dynamic two handed light sabre poses
Looks like a Robot Chicken character.
Yeah im not digging the soft goods. I'll stick with troopers/clones and random aliens from time to time. The human faces just don't look all that good to me
My personal eperiences of years would suggest hairdryer on hottest setting for 30 secs, very carefully try to make it cllick loos, controlled use of force down to minimum threshhold effect. If doesn't work try 30 secs of more heat. If that doesn't work let it cool off or cool off in water and try a full minute of heat minimally n hour or mor later.
If you still feel it wont budge without bending of breaking it after full minute of full heat, I'd ask someone whos eperienced with cold measures.
I myself have always succeeded aftet max couple of appliances of blowdryer heat or one long one of a minute+...
but always restrain to controlled minim force, build up because excessive force has no beneficial result. It's a simple threshhold you gotta just get over and the heat can lower that point. GL