Super Freak
i just find it hard to believe that some of their more recent 3 3/4 figures are of better quality than the R2 in the new picture, which also leads me to believe it isn't an accurate representation of what we'll get.
I'd still be tempted by a regular clean stormtrooper from this line I reckon.
hmm well here is the final 6 inch range one, lets compare just to be sure
edit: and it looks like maybe that isn't the 3, 3'4 afterall
Can't believe they shot 3a down for some more of the same hasbro tat (which I find fun at 3,3'4 tbh)
What's this about they shot 3A down??
3A's are overrated to me. The cloth goods looked bad on Boba Fett. Not sure the prices would be feasible either. I saw this as an alternative to the overly toy-like 3 3/4" figures I grew up collecting and the highly expensive, unaffordable 1/6 SSC and HT collections. Hoping for a new production R2 but it seems highly unlikely that it'll happen. The new Greedo looks AMAZING but I bet the production version will be plagued with issues like R2 and Maul have had so far.
Not everyone likes 3a flavour but they were undoubtedly awesome quality. Yep they'd be dearer but this is a king's sportThe boba did look stylised though (i wouldn't have minded
We've seen pictures of Greedo already? Link or image please?
Not everyone likes 3a flavour but they were undoubtedly awesome quality. Yep they'd be dearer but this is a king's sportThe boba did look stylised though (i wouldn't have minded
Their Fett is okay, but it's the Stormtroopers I would have went crazy for!