I'm not into the 6 inch scale but I do admit those new 40th anniversary TBS cards look pretty damn slick, especially all together.
Amazing how fast the R2 & Han sold out from everywhere. I'm assuming it's from people who missed out on the original releases. The OT cards are nice, but I prefer the boxed packaging that allow having the ability to open and remove the figure and then be able to later replace it back into the packaging for storage or sale if need be. They should've designed it so instead of the figure in a bubble it was a small box. I'll maybe pick up a 2nd R2 (I have the original) if I see him retail. My only definite buy is the Vader, as always, and 3PO since I was never able to track down the Walgreens Ex.
Han and Artoo sold out quickly because for some ASININE reason, Hasbro chose to pack those two figures--the only two figures in the wave that aren't currently available at retail in the Black Series--at one per case and then stick doubles of Luke, Leia and Obi-Wan in the case assortment. Oy.
I'm not into the 6 inch scale but I do admit those new 40th anniversary TBS cards look pretty damn slick, especially all together.