Hasbro 6" Black Series Star Wars line

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I have noticed that behavior with Toys R Us. They did it with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics and MP Optimus/Thundercracker.

Not just the Classic TMNT, the current show figures went up as well, though now they are slowly lowering again. I remember Grimlock MP at 59 i think and then it went up to abround 75 or so.

Just what ever they see if popular they want to increase the price.
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

Awesome pics YoNoSe - I think Luke may be my favorite atm. And as far as TRU - I really have no idea how they stay in business sometimes. They are so crazy on their pricing. If I see a Lego set or GI Joe figure I immediately just go to Target or WM and pick it up there cheaper. My last two purchases at TRU have been the MP Prime and MP Soundwave.
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Use this link to see if any stores in your area have them in stock. Just enter your zip code.

- MJ

Thanks for this link bro! I saw that the Target 2 miles from me had them in stock and I ran out and just got back in a matter of 15 minutes haha. I got Luke, Maul and R2. There wasn't any Sand Troopers unfortunately :/ There was only one Luke left. Luckily the paint apps on mine are great! The other Luke had a little scuff on his face.

I'll try again later this week for Sand Trooper. I feel he is hardest to get due to army building...
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

Awesome pucs YoNoSe - I think Luke may be my favorite atm. And as far as TRU - I really have no idea how they stay in business sometimes. They are so crazy on their pricing. If I see a Lego set or GI Joe figure I immediately just go to Target or WM and pick it up there cheaper. My last two purchases at TRU have been the MP Prime and MP Soundwave.

I can tell you that TRU itself is in trouble.The CEO resigned back in Feb/Mar and I heard that they are BIG TIME in debt to which that Debt is going to be called in very shortly.

They are going to have to borrow again,but they may not be able to find a lender considering they owe so much Debt

They have heavy in competition with Wal-mart and Target which has caused decline in their sales,plus They also had lackluster sales last Christmas and been having big sales decline this year which has put them on the burner (for now)....considering the economy is not really getting any better,I don't see TRU hanging around much longer (5-10 years tops,maybe sooner)

I worked there last year,it was interesting hearing from management on the life of TRU
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

I am not surprised to hear it. The toy aisles at WM and Target are cheaper and better stocked. Plus there are 3 Targets and 3 Walmarts within fifteen miles or so of here. You just can't compete with that many stores and those selections being sold at cost (almost). I use to get my NECA fix at TRU but now with Amazon Prime I just use them.
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

TRU is a joke. I did grab a couple new TMNT there the other day but I'm always shocked at their prices. The Elrond/Rivendell set, which is 29.99 at Target and normally 34.99 at TRU, was 37.99 at the TRU I bought the turtles at. That's nuts!
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

TRU is a joke. I did grab a couple new TMNT there the other day but I'm always shocked at their prices. The Elrond/Rivendell set, which is 29.99 at Target and normally 34.99 at TRU, was 37.99 at the TRU I bought the turtles at. That's nuts!

Toys Arn't Us :)

their prices are higher now because they are the only speciallty "Toy Store" left on the block...once Kaybee sank (which I went drowning with them) Toys R us paved way,but things are not going well for them..
Re: Hasbro legends 6" sw figures

Toys Arn't Us :)

their prices are higher now because they are the only speciallty "Toy Store" left on the block...once Kaybee sank (which I went drowning with them) Toys R us paved way,but things are not going well for them..

Good God, KayBee. This generation will never know the greatness that was that toy store. Can't decide which figure to get? Get 'em all, they're 4 for $15!
Oh man toy stores :( The closest thing we have now are Toys R Us and comic stores :( I want someone to fund a private mom and pop toy store!
Isn't TRU charging 24.99 for these? who in their right mind would buy from them?

BBTS for the fresh case set for 79.99 + 9 shipped (no tax)(no gas and time wasted)...best deal

TRU usually retails for more than Wal-Mart and Target, but I always assumed they were charging the MSRP whereas the other guys sold it for cents cheaper. They're 19.99 at both Target and TRU. Haven't seen them at Wal-Mart yet. TRU does carry a lot of collector lines that Wal-Mart and Target wouldn't dare touch. Is it enough to keep them afloat? Well, it has for the past 5 years now. They almost went under in 2008. I've NEVER liked TRU but don't mind going there if they have what I want.
I found the rest of the 6" line at Target this morning. They only had 1 set put out. So... I had to buy all of them. Well, Luke, Maul and, for some reason, R2. I've got the sandy on order and he'll be here Monday. I wanted to pass on R2, but I felt like having the complete set.
Sorry in advance for the fuzzy pics. Any who, R2 shouldn't cost 19.99. He's not even in scale with the others and, his proportions are way off. I really dig the rest though. The sandy is by far (IMO) the best of the set. I got to see him today in person and, I cannot wait for his arrival tomorrow. Luke's helmet is a very cool feature. Darth Maul, is pretty sweet. I don't like the "robed look." All in all, a decent set I enjoyed adding to my collection.
I found only 3 Lukes at my local Target, so i got 2...Open one and seal one...I'm a slave to Hasbro :/

And huh, I'm up in Canada and only paid 17.99 for my Lukes,
Saw Luke, R2 and Sandy at my local Target today as well. I passed on them since Luke's packaging was fubar, R2's left leg was slightly bent outward and Sandy had some small paint globs here and there. If I'm going to shell out 60-80$ per set, I want them perfect!
Picked these guys up at Target yesterday. Absolutely loving this line! I can't believe these are the same figures we saw in those prototype pics. I was not going to get into this line at all but after seeing in hand pics and reviews I changed my mind. Not disappointed at all.

The sculpt, paint and articulation are amazing! Maul is definitely my favorite and super fun to pose. I also prefer him without the hooded robe.

Now I need to find Sandy. They didn't have anymore at Target.

How sad is it that I can't wait to go to work tomorrow?

Should have Luke, R2, 3xSandies, Fett & Carbonite Han waiting for me!!!

Not much work tomorrow I fear :D
I had my first sighting of these in the wild today at Target. Unfortunately, all they had left were a couple R2 figures. Since I'm really only interested in this line as a companion to my Kotobukiya ArtFX+ statues, I was tempted to buy one rather than fork over $80-100 for the R2/C-3PO ArtFX+ set. But he'd pretty pretty lonely without his counterpart.