What wave is Evazan in, Cohete?
Yeah, I was going to mention this when I was complaining about some of the soft goods choices. Totally don't understand what Hasbro was thinking with this. Just looks out of place....Tarkin's "skirt" looks horrible... Still, I want one.
Yeah, I was going to mention this when I was complaining about some of the soft goods choices. Totally don't understand what Hasbro was thinking with this. Just looks out of place.
Here's some other Star Wars figures i've gotten lately.
Those are great shots. I like the new Vader but the flare on te helmet looks off to me. I'm glad they redid the DS trooper. The old one was way too tall.
This may be a silly question but on ebay do you pay their fees regardless of whether or not you make your sale or only if you make a successful sale?
I don't pay a ton of attention to fee schedules, but it always says $0.00 for listing fees, so I assume they're only collecting upon selling.
Thanks. I'm just wondering so I can establish if its worth my while putting low-end stuff up for sale on ebay. Since I'm not sure if I'm guaranteed success in selling things like SW figures, NECA and McFarlane figures I don't want to be wasting money on fees in the meantime.
Anyone looking for a loose Darth Revan or Pre Cyborg Greivous, complete with coins? I was going to put them up on ebay but thought I'd check here first.
Looking for Greivous!
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