Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!
Adam over at GH is answering some questions and here's the one I posed with answer.
Q: Can you tell us what the sliding button to the rear of the ship does? Also is the knob by the radar dish to turn it or perhaps to turn a training remote in the interior? I assume the chess table is there, but will it have the holo pieces on it? Is it deep enough to store the ANH crew in what looks to be the opening floor panels? Is the medical unit area just that bit near the entry ramp? Is there an escape pod feature? Is the doorway between cockpit and interior open or sealed off?Thanks so much for taking the time and thanks for the scoop!
A: We have smuggling compartments that fit all the requisite figures, and a light-up holochess table. How’s that?
The knob is for the radar, and it seems that the training remote has its own mechanisms. The med bay is the resting area by the ramp door, and I was overly excited when I posted that it was behind the "secret" doors. (Still have no idea what they do.) The med bay does seem to have some cool features, like the ability to plug in Luke’s tourniquet. The comm-chair (as some have noted) also has a plug for Han’s headset. It’s very interactive, no?
Is there an escape pod? No. An escape pod wouldn’t be aggressive enough, if you know what I mean. Regarding the doorway, I think it’s sealed off so chubby little hands don’t get trapped inside. The jury is still out on that.