Hasbro Millennium Falcon Discussion Thread

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Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

its a cool toy.:cool:
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Looks like it going to be huge, if anything to go by the size of hans chait in the chees room.
Kids today get such cool star wars toys, all i had was hand me down vintage and potf2 wrestler style figures.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

On a side note, I wonder how well Lego's upcoming mega-Millennium Falcon will sell with it's US$500 retail price?:monkey1

Hasbro stuff usually sells like gangbusters... my guess is it will do pretty good. Especially with how expensive the regular falcon is on the secondary market.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Well Adam just confirmed it comes with figures of both Han and Chewie. So for $150 we are getting:

New larger Falcon
2 figures
light, sounds, launching missiles
power lowering ramp
a secondary "aggressive" vehicle
a light up chess board
a training remote (somehow in the ship)
larger cockpit to fit 4 figures
new landing gear that makes it sit high off the ground so Chewie can stand under it comfortably.

Yea, Hasbro is actually pulling out all the stops.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Thanks for the feature list, that's awesome!

OK, I set this as my wall paper on my big a$$ cinema display, and for fun I set it at Actual Size.

If you view the full rez image at 100% and hold a figure up to it, it's pretty much 1/1 scale to the toys, and you'll see how big it is.

I need to change my shorts again. :cool:
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Well Adam just confirmed it comes with figures of both Han and Chewie. So for $150 we are getting:

New larger Falcon
2 figures
light, sounds, launching missiles
power lowering ramp
a secondary "aggressive" vehicle
a light up chess board
a training remote (somehow in the ship)
larger cockpit to fit 4 figures
new landing gear that makes it sit high off the ground so Chewie can stand under it comfortably.

Yea, Hasbro is actually pulling out all the stops.

Hopefully its the VOTC ones... those are the only ones that could do something like this justice.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Sounds like a pretty good deal for the price to me. I may actually get this. I can think of a few dioramas that could use this as a centerpiece.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

This is a no brainer for me. Been waiting a liftime for it.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

That Falcon is cool. If the figures can stand up inside it, then it must be pretty massive. I'd be tempted to get this, but I don't know what I would do with it. I saw a display once (Maybe Darth Neil's) where the person had a bunch of the star fighters hanging from the ceiling as if in battle. I'd love to have a display like that.

Thanks for the shout out.:D

I've changed it (slightly) since then but here's what I think you're referring to...

With this Falcon though I'd definitely want it displayed so that the VOTC Hasbro characters were visible inside...
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Wow dude, it takes balls to hang something over PF Grievous like that, I'd be scared ^^^^less everytime I came in the room expecting the worst.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Wow dude, it takes balls to hang something over PF Grievous like that, I'd be scared ^^^^less everytime I came in the room expecting the worst.

Grievous has since moved :lol. I sorely need to update my pics.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

If this comes out, I will get it.

They denied this at Toy Fair but I think that's because with the Clone Wars movie, they had to throw their marketing behind the AT-TE.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

If this comes out, I will get it.

They denied this at Toy Fair but I think that's because with the Clone Wars movie, they had to throw their marketing behind the AT-TE.

All signs point to this coming out but theres a few reasons it probably wasn't at TF. It may be an exclusive to a retailer. Main reason though is it's slated for possible Christmas release and almost nothing is ever shown that far in advance. It's usually at SDCC where we get the late year announcements. Also let's not forget last year they denied those UBPs for Target until they were nearly on shelf.
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

I think this may be just a general release. This a brand new mold so I would think they would try and get as much money out of it as possible.

I personally plan to buy 2 of these. This thing is awesome.

Anyway GH has also posted a blog where they are answering questions about it.
1. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:17 am

Oh and BMF stands for "Big Millennium Falcon", naturally. Some of you should get your minds out of the gutter.
2. Captain Piet Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:25 am

We can see the open sections and note the obviously larger cockpit. Are there more “open” areas around the ship? Any explanation for why the main cannon seems to be hinged? Also, what’s with the entry ramp? Looks complicated.
3. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:36 am

There are other open areas, but (to the best of my knowledge) the back ‘engine’ area does not pop off. However, there is a space for R2 and Chewie to do repairs. The main cannon is hinged so that the figure can be placed and the gunner can pivot in many directions.

The entry ramp, similar to the AT-TE, has a slow-release spring system so that it glides open at the touch of a button. (You still have to close it, though.)
4. LordDarthDevaious Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:42 am

So do we lose the smuggling compartment and the Dejarik table?
5. Memnoch21 Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:44 am

Can you tell us what the sliding button to the rear of the ship does? Also is the knob by the radar dish to turn it or perhaps to turn a training remote in the interior? I assume the chess table is there, but will it have the holo pieces on it? Is it deep enough to store the ANH crew in what looks to be the opening floor panels? Is the medical unit area just that bit near the entry ramp? Is there an escape pod feature? Is the doorway between cockpit and interior open or sealed off?Thanks so much for taking the time and thanks for the scoop!
6. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:55 am

We have smuggling compartments that fit all the requisite figures, and a light-up holochess table. How’s that?

The knob is for the radar, and it seems that the training remote has its own mechanisms. The med bay is the resting area by the ramp door, and I was overly excited when I posted that it was behind the "secret" doors. (Still have no idea what they do.) The med bay does seem to have some cool features, like the ability to plug in Luke’s tourniquet. The comm-chair (as some have noted) also has a plug for Han’s headset. It’s very interactive, no?

Is there an escape pod? No. An escape pod wouldn’t be aggressive enough, if you know what I mean. Regarding the doorway, I think it’s sealed off so chubby little hands don’t get trapped inside. The jury is still out on that.
7. Memnoch21 Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 10:34 am

Back again Adam! Can you tell us anything about the landing gear or the height from ship bottom to floor when the landing gear is down? Will it be enough to have sayy a squad of Sandtroopers blasting at it or a Hoth Leia leaning up against?
8. jameth Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 10:45 am

Do you have any info on the overall size?????
Do you have any idea on the price????
How about when this magnificent piece of "junk" will be available???
I must have several. How many will depend on the price, but 3 is the minimum.

9. darthchuckmc Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 10:47 am

Hey Adam,
Can you tell us what that "sliding" switch on the hull is near the port-sdie docking ring, and why the docking ring is hinged?
Can you tell us what the small grey button behind the canopy does? Does it open and close the cockpit door, or does it have another function?
10. jberlin Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 11:05 am

Hey Adam,

Long time fan, first time poster. Can you tell us the overall dimensions to get a better idea of scale? Will there be a hatch and elevator for Lando as seen underneath Bespin? And finally, is the proverbial $#!% hitting the fan over at Hasbro since you posted these images, or was this more of a planned leak?
11. jberlin Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 11:10 am

One more that I forgot to ask: Will there be a matching gunner chair on the underside?
12. nomadscout Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 11:39 am

Any idea if there is a top hatch feature - resembling the one Lando used to pull in Luke from Cloud City?
13. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 11:59 am

Keep in mind that I’m reading from bullet points here, so…

Retractable landing gear, so it stands taller than a tall figure (say Chewie). Overall size is over 2 ½’ (that’s feet) long. Price is unknown to me at this time. I believe the sliding switch activates the hyperdrive lights and sounds, but I’m not sure. The docking ring is hinged for a vehicle (not an escape pod) to dock. (It’s an aggressive style fighter vehicle.)

The small grey button apparently activates lights and sounds in the canopy. There is no Lando-vator that I’m aware of, but that doesn’t mean one won’t find its way into a future update.

I haven’t heard from Hasbro, but they do have my phone number, e-mail, and even home address. There’s no such thing as a planned leak (or anything) in the world of toys. I hope they know that I’m their biggest cheerleader for this kind of stuff. I’ve made it pretty clear over the years that the "Wait For Clearance" leeching isn’t my idea of a good time. I’ll happily deposit $600 for three or four of these right now.

To the best of my knowledge, there is only one gunner station. Also, someone asked about release date/time — I’m guessing it’s late this year. Just stay tuned, as there is more to come.

Also, just to clarify one thing. This is a totally new, from-the-ground-up piece. This is NOT the 1978/POTF2/OTC model. This is all-new.
14. raptorbandito Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:02 pm

Hi Adam,Thanks for hooking us up with the great scoop!Couple questions. Any idea how many landing gears are included? I’m hoping for at least 4, since the old version with 3 had a tendency to be not so stable. It looks like it has the front lights that the original got updated with back in 1995. Do you know if it has the rear engine lights like what was added later on to the original?
15. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:05 pm

Five landing gear (four around the circumference, and one at the front). Yes, it has lights and sounds engines.
16. singsingjohnny Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:26 pm

Adam, thanks for bringing us this very happy news.I have a questions concerning scale. Does a figure actually fit in the chair shown in the picture (the one that Han’s earphones hook into)? Is it in scale with the figures? If so, than this thing is MONSTROUS!I’ll be first in line to buy one of these, absolutely amazing!
17. singsingjohnny Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:27 pm

I love the Smiths references, was just listening to Gene Loves Jezebel’s cover of Ask.
18. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:32 pm

Yes, Han does sit in the chair, and the headset does plug-in with the chair. So, yes, it’s a very large piece. I just enjoy seeing "Adam May says it’s over 2½ feet long" on message boards no matter what the context.

As for the Smiths references, well, I keep hoping I’ll run out, but Morrissey keeps making records. (New album due out this fall! Greatest Hits out now!)
19. raptorbandito Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:37 pm

Adam, you seem to have a lot of details on this bad boy. Maybe you’ll have more pictures to show us in the near future?…
20. LordDarthDevaious Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Two more question: You said there isn’t another gunner station, but is there any sort of cannon on the bottom? Also, is there a little cannon to pop out like on Hoth?
21. Memnoch21 Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:44 pm

Adam, any questions we haven’t asked yet that we should be asking?
22. Clavius Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:51 pm

I can see the cockpit is hinged much like the original Falcon, but is there a little open passage or hallway that leads from the “living room” to the cockpit? Looks like there might be one but I can’t tell from the pic.

Dying for more pics here!
23. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 1:58 pm

I actually don’t know if there’s a bottom gun/cannon. Sorry, I wish I had an answer. I don’t think the passage/door opens up because of safety issues. Again, that’s unclear right now.

Anything else? Uh, no one’s asked, but it does come with two figures. (If you can’t guess who, well, c’mon! A big, furry oaf, and his scruffy-looking friend.) I believe that pretty much covers it.

There’s more to come, I’m sure. Just don’t Q&A about it on Friday!

Have fun everyone, and PLAY with your toys.
24. Clavius Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 2:01 pm

Minor criticism however. If it is a small “fighter ship” that comes out of that docking ring door, seems like a very “1995″ feature to me. (I.E. Deluxe Han with Smuggler Flight Pack) Seems like it would’ve been a cool place to put cargo containers that he could “dump at the first sign of an Imperial Cruiser).

I understand the need for more “action” type features, but putting in more interior living space where that fighter is going could’ve been cool too. Little nooks with removable panels for repairs, perhaps the little alcove where 3P0 c***blocks Han.

Anway, to make this post an actual question, what’s your opinion of the “fighter ship”?
25. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 2:21 pm

I have only a description of it, so I have no opinion. I’m just sorta happy it’s not an escape pod.

Also, bear in mind, we can always throw extra cargo pieces we have (like from the Saga Vader and the Scanning Troopers) into the space. I’m not opposed at all to the "toyetic" stuff. I like all sorts of toys. (Hasbro people get nervous at Toy Fair when I ask to tour their Littlest Petshop showroom.)

I’m hoping more information will arrive soon, or maybe another site will post something(?) and then we can all drool while looking for change in the couch cushions.
26. Adam_May Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 2:41 pm

OK, so, I’m tapped out for the moment. I’ve tried to provide the best information that I can. (Oh yeah, guy in the forums, I am absolutely biased toward Hasbro. I’m on record saying that I’m their biggest cheerleader. Jeez…) Other sites show unbridled love to Sideshow and/or Gentle Giant. I’m a toy nerd.

There were two really distasteful comments/questions that didn’t get through today. Some of the folks out there are really disturbed. Thanks to everyone who asked questions, and we’ll try to get more information out there for you. Also, thanks to all the sites around the net for getting the word out. We need this piece, and my wallet is open (to Hasbro). Now let’s see what happens!
27. dpeete Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 3:13 pm

It literally says "for a vehicle to dock", not "a vehicle comes out of that docking ring door", so maybe it slides out to let an X-wing to hook up.
28. Brinn 71 Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 3:39 pm

Adam.THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What AWESOME NEWS!!!! Is this going to be available everywhere?About the figures, is Han the same as the 30th Han, where he had the gloves and headset? Or is he different? What about Chewie? Is it a re-issue of the Early bird Chewie or will he have a removable bandoleer and headset? Does the cockpit have hanging dice? Will it come with smuggling containers? Are there pegs in the floor for figures to attach to? What about a repair bay for R2?What an EXCELLENT TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29. Gothiczartan Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 5:11 pm

how big is this vehicle/playset going to be, it’s got to be a little bigger then the POTF2 version. how many figures can it carry?
30. singsingjohnny Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 6:12 pm

I think it’s a LITTLE early to start complaining about this docking vehicle thing, this was just revealed TODAY! Remember. these toys are also made for children, as many of us were when we originally bought this stuff. It makes sense that that’d want to add added play value for kids that acting will play with it! I’m thinking the small fighter from the Ep I Queen’s Starship as a comparison. Anyway, instead of complaining, think of how amazing it is that we’re getting this, essentially a playset (something Hasbro seems pretty shy about…) I mean come on, I know I never thought we’d actually see this come to light, let alone possibly in the same year as the AT-TE! Hasbro is spoiling us!I know this question has been asked, but do you have any indication of price? If not, how about an educated guess… I’ve got to start building my case to present to my wife… :)
31. JediTray Says:
April 9th, 2008 at 8:46 pm

Great scoop, Adam! I’m so glad to see evidence of this monster coming to light! She’s been a long time coming, and I am very pleased with Hasbro on this. They are taking a chance with TWO huge vehicles, and we really must support the brand and buy them at full retail price! This could could open the way for more such large pieces, interactive playsets, and more.
Now, my questions. Adam, do you at this point have an idea as to how many lights this beastie will have? Are they nice and bright, long-lasting LED’s? How many sounds/phrases does she have?
Anyway, thanks again for the great news. Keep the grooviness flowing to us! I too am human and want to be loved, just like every toy collector does!
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Dammit. Things like this and the RAIDERS convoy truck are really really tempting me to buy 3.75" Hasbro figures again. :banghead
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

I've really been considering some of these 3.75" toys recently. I'm either going through mid-life crisis already or because my daughter is getting old enough to start playing with cooler toys. Might as well be Star Wars. :D
Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

A mid-life crisis is not when you feel like buying toys, it's when you're tempted to date strippers.

Re: Hasbro's rumored New Falcon!

Buying toys makes me feel young again. Plus, it's cheaper than a Corvette. ;)