Have Movie Audiences Always Been So Fickle?

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When I go to a movie the only thing I'm looking for is a good story. A lot of times when Hollywood does a remake it's always with a twist, or some new hotshot writer's interpretation. If they would just forget about the explosions and computer generated effects and just concentrate on the story, a lot of movies made today would be a hundred times better. I still don't understand why many of these comic book writers that are churning out finely crafted stories month after month are not asked or even consulted on many of these comic book movies that are coming out now. Just go to the source Hollywood!
Its partially a generational thing, and partially human nature. We're spoiled (that's the generational part). Spoiled people are brats (that's the human nature part). We have immediate access to literally any entertainment we want. An embarrassment of riches that breeds discontentment. We have the luxury to complain about every little thing ... and a lot of people squeeze that luxury for all its worth. Previous generations had no such luxury, and thus were far more appreciative of the comparatively little they had.
Was better when we just had the radio, and had to choose between 3 stations. *sighs longingly*
Agree! Frankly I'm surprised and saddened at some people on this board how belligerent they're being with their opinions lately about movies. I can't even go into the X Men DOFP thread because there is so much hate and only poor pturtle and a few others trying to defend the movie that hasn't even come out!

I gave up that thread too. It was (is?) a toxic environment of hate.

but complaining and whining as soon as a movie title is announced seems to be the standard these days. As soon as a trailer releases for any movie, I’m almost sure as soon as I check discussions boards , the majority are already complaining about the most nonsensical reasons. I’m starting to think these same people believe films are being made to purposely make them/public upset, instead of actually entertained.


Very true. I think it's sort of a peer pressure thing, or they think it's expected of them and "cool" to instantly act negatively toward any new announcement without any real knowledge of it. Being happy or excited is a sign of weakness or something.

One thing I find hilarious is when you call out an obvious troll for repeatedly bashing a film in it's own thread, they sometimes result to the "Well, you're being equally as bad by being optimistic about the film!" argument like that's even remotely the same thing.


it goes both ways.

If you happen to hate Predator or Terminator or some classic like that, and you really don't like it, sometimes you cannot say anything because then everyone will get in your case and insult you.
Just like everyone hates on MOS, everyone loves Avengers, and if you happen to say avengers was bad, you are going to get the same kind of angry reactions as if you said MOS was good.

the internet is creating a lot of hive mentality. everyone loves Gravity so all of the sudden people will agree with them to go with the flow.
But everyone hates Amazing Spiderman 2 so then you get some people saying it was worse than Batman and Robin. (when they haven't even seen it yet)

Like I said angry comments go both ways, supporting something or hating on something. I don't think is the fact that people now hate everything and everyone but the fact that everything is extremes now. You either really love something or you really really hate something. there is no middle ground anymore. either you defend something or trash it. That's exactly what I've noticed online. completely supporting something or completely trashing it.


Bingo. A consensus forms quickly and if you don't agree with that you're chased away. But generally being negative is the go to attitude

Exactly. people like to whine and maon about movies before they even come out.

Hell people moan about movie before they even begin filming these days :slap

The star wars prequils.
few things to note.

I don't need to eat a pile of dogpoo to know it's awful, it's pretty apparant from the get-go that doing so would be a bad expierence.
I went to see the FIRST ASM ( for example) And didn't care for it. The new one looks to be more of the same of what I didn't like about the first one, wrapped in some pretty visuals and exciting effects. I'm pretty sure i'm still going to dislike it, so i'm waiting for netflix, or some other place to see it on the cheap.

But beyond that, this video might help to answer OP's original question.

Uncanny Web-Slinger;6769152 Bingo. A consensus forms quickly and if you don't agree with that you're chased away. But generally being negative is the go to attitude Hell people moan about movie before they even begin filming these days :slap[/QUOTE said:
exactly. Seems like once a group starts to make up their mind the rest will follow. I'm not talking about this forum, I'm talking about people online in general.

Look at Dark Knight Rises, a couple of reviewers gave it bad reviews and people before seeing it were already giving them death threats.

And then the internet had everyone at first saying how great it was, but then little by little people were able to say it sucked.
A big part of it is morons online.
Yup. Its always funny when your in a support group for a movie you're automatically the bad guy and should be shamed. If you like Xmen and spiderman than your an ******* who doesnt deserve to live. If you support affleck batman than your an idiot. If you liked MOS then your an idiot.
Yup. Its always funny when your in a support group for a movie you're automatically the bad guy and should be shamed. If you like Xmen and spiderman than your an ******* who doesnt deserve to live. If you support affleck batman than your an idiot. If you liked MOS then your an idiot.

but if you happen to hate a movie they love, you are an idiot.

it is endless
When I go to a movie the only thing I'm looking for is a good story. A lot of times when Hollywood does a remake it's always with a twist, or some new hotshot writer's interpretation. If they would just forget about the explosions and computer generated effects and just concentrate on the story, a lot of movies made today would be a hundred times better. I still don't understand why many of these comic book writers that are churning out finely crafted stories month after month are not asked or even consulted on many of these comic book movies that are coming out now. Just go to the source Hollywood!

Don't fret, Hollywood has Marvel up until 2028. Plenty explosions to last until then and a new generation moaning about what we've been moaning.
Yup. Its always funny when your in a support group for a movie you're automatically the bad guy and should be shamed. If you like Xmen and spiderman than your an ******* who doesnt deserve to live. If you support affleck batman than your an idiot. If you liked MOS then your an idiot.


Those who are looking forward to a movie shouldn't be outcasts in those threads, the ones hating on it should. It's all backwards
Unfortunately its natural instinct to put others down to boost your own ego and give yourself that elitist feeling.
I used to do the same thing on a regular basis. Never thought anything of it. I'm still a heavy practitioner of sarcasm.

I didn't really stop doing that until I met my wife, we had an awesome daughter and I started working at a good job. Then I, generally, became happy with my life and thats about when i stopped dwelling on the negative side of everything around me. Until all that happened I had no idea I was often being so douchey.

Now I lean to the positive and just step over the douches and keep walking. Not worth the waste of time.
Nothing wrong with voicing a negative opinion about any topic on the board, but just do it and move on to the things you like. Makes no sense to have the desire to repeatedly go back to the same things and hate on them day after day. To me, its the sign of an unhappy or immature person.
This could explain some of the members in the Metal Gear Solid V thread, it's easily the worst thread on this site, the mods and administrator have to regulate things in there on a consistent basis. If you're looking forward to that game, nothing but sarcastic jokes ,memes and subliminal insults are thrown your way. The movie thread is heaven compared to that thread.

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something I wish people understood is that hating on a movie doesn't mean hating on a board member. Also these movies don't need white knights to defend them.

I never really understood that, if someone says they hate a movie some people will take it like a personal insult and they will try to defend the movie like if they were defending their loved ones from a bully. seems kind of bizarre.

It is okay to hate or love on something but not take it personally.
This could explain some of the members in the Metal Gear Solid V thread, it's easily the worst thread on this site, the mods and administrator have to regulate things in there on a consistent basis. If you're looking forward to that game, nothing but sarcastic jokes ,memes and subliminal insults are thrown your way. The movie thread is heaven compared to that thread.

I'm looking forward to it, I'm not a mega fan but I'm a fan and I just like the series. Many fans hate the series because it changed over the years, but still go to fight with those that are looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward to it, I'm not a mega fan but I'm a fan and I just like the series. Many fans hate the series because it changed over the years, but still go to fight with those that are looking forward to it.

I seriously think it has the potential to be the greatest game of all time. It’s funny, if I repeated that in the MGSV thread, an argument would certainly breakout. How sick is that?

These things are made to entertain us, I feel like people forget that sometimes. Why be a fan of something that consistently stresses you out?

Makes no sense to me. I guess its like Occulum said, some people are just upset in their “real” lives and vent on SSF.
something I wish people understood is that hating on a movie doesn't mean hating on a board member. Also these movies don't need white knights to defend them.

I never really understood that, if someone says they hate a movie some people will take it like a personal insult and they will try to defend the movie like if they were defending their loved ones from a bully. seems kind of bizarre.

It is okay to hate or love on something but not take it personally.

It's apparently the in thing to whine daily about someone not liking a movie you like. Now it's got its own thread. :lol
This could explain some of the members in the Metal Gear Solid V thread, it's easily the worst thread on this site, the mods and administrator have to regulate things in there on a consistent basis. If you're looking forward to that game, nothing but sarcastic jokes ,memes and subliminal insults are thrown your way. The movie thread is heaven compared to that thread.

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Forreal? That thread is worse than here? Im not a big MGS fan so I didn't know. I know theirs been alot of controversy surrounding that game with the character QUIET.