I started to collect some stuff outside of my usual lines (Buffy, SW, Horror, LOTR) last year when all the cool Hot Toys and Medicom stuff started to come out. I am trying to limit my collection though, so I cancelled pre-orders and sold what had shipped, and have reigned things in a bit. I am trying to keep up with the lines that I want the most, and I'd rather have a more complete, smaller collection as opposed to a more diverse collection with holes in it. I have a buddy who has almost every Star Wars, Sci-Fi and Comic toy made (I am not kidding about this, tens of thousands of figures) and his collection is impressive, but sometimes it gets hard to see beyond the sheer quantity and appreciate each thing for what it is. I am going to go the other direction, have a smaller collection, but it will be a way to showcase each item a little more. Money's tight though, so I had to be picky, and I went the Jabba direction. Just my .02