Having some problems with my pc

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Your hard disk may be on the verge of failing. I would suggest running a disk diagnostic utility. Most disk vendors have these for free.



IBM and Hitachi




Western Digital

BTW, is it a notebook??? If it is, there could have been physical damage to the drive that caused the bad sectors

Flashing the BIOS could cause this too, if you just did this, reFlash put the original BIOS settings on.

Also, if you wanted to get another drive, put this current drive as slave and the new drive as the master so the master drive is used for booting the computer

This is it man, BINGO!!!!!! knew it by looking at the pic posted on the OP, didn't even read the desc til later :lol

U need to get the data off that drive quick!!!!!!!!!! and STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll look at what software I used that is free and you won't have to pay those big dollar bills Yaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

edit: if this a notebook I will post pics of documentation on the last data drive I saved and what tools I used to attach to the SATA connector via USB and it's gonna time a matter of days to strip the data off that drive depending on how big it is....
Yup... As soon as I saw the pic I knew your Hard Drive was bad.

You can't fix it. Get your data off of it and get a new Hard Drive ASAP!

Make sure you get the proper hard drive PATA or SATA. And while you are at it. Get a Portable Hard drive to do routine backups of your data to.

I deal with this a lot in my company. Right now I am seeing an increase as it is about time to replace all of our desktops in the company.

Its a good thing to because Windows XP now takes up all of the available OS allotted RAM which is limited to 3GB because of Service Pack 3 and the Security Patches.

If you can, invest in Windows 7 as that limitation has been removed and it will load 100 x's faster. Or you can get a MAC!!!! :D
Ok this is all you need is a SATA 2.5 HD if it's a laptop to via USB cable along with the GetDataBack software and you can't start stripping the data off that drive, of course you'll need an extra PC in order to rip the data onto but that's what it's gonna take.

PM me if you can't find the GetDataBack software and I'll hook you up from a my website or FTP server.



btw, I switched my 64 bit Vista to Mac skin for Badmoon :rock :lol
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Vista??? Oh man.... Dump that crap and go to Windows 7 - it's way more stable and the 64bit functionality blows Vista out of the water.
Vista??? Oh man.... Dump that crap and go to Windows 7 - it's way more stable and the 64bit functionality blows Vista out of the water.

U must understand what I have in my machine in order to run Vista 64 bit as well. I have a total of maybe 12 machines here at my house along with couple servers, everything from Linux, Linux Ubuntu, Win 2000+ and all the up the ladder to Windows 7 on a laptop. My main machine is cranking the Vista with about 8 gigs of ram and a i7 core processor and about 3 terabytes, it's my neural net processor machine :lol.

I'm a software engineer by day and I've been programming since I've played with GI JOE's, He-Man and Star Wars :rotfl

It's been my life well exception of bodybuilding, that's what I get for being a army brat with a father in the army intelligence.

I developed software to do encryption for the HIPAA standard health care industry in order to protect data from certain hackers in case they get sensitive materials were to leak out.

Just some background on how I afford all this ____ from SSC. :lol

Here's some Turtle code about me selling my Sideshow Donatello Ex Com... I AM UBER GEEK!!!! :banghead

import HttpLoadLoader;

public void getTMNT(String gangtas, String directSideshow){
String moolah = "$$$$";
boolean SSFlag = false;
boolean babyBirdCustomer = false;

System.out.println("Uze a bad muther now with your TMNT);
System.out.println("Hella WIN!!!!");
System.out.println("Sorry bros get eSmacked");
babyBirdCustomer = true;
makingSkiRich(babyBirdCustomer , babyBirdCustomer .getAddy());

private void makingSkiRich(String getThatManTMNT){
if(getThatManTMNT.hasMoolah() == true){
startShippingDatTurtle(getThatManTMNT, addy);

private void startShippingDatTurtle(String paypalAddy, String custAddy){
HttpLoadLoader http;
http.load(paypalAddy, custAddy);
if(http.load(paypalAddy, custAddy).equals(true)){
System.out.println("You made Ski a happy man!!!");

System.out.println("Break it down for me, o o oo o ooooo OOO oooo OOOO!!!!");
System.out.println("Make that money!!!!!!!!");
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My last pc did this and it finally got to a point where I would start my pc, but it would not load anything on the screen. Death! Sooo I bought a new one.

Just in case, I would suggest backing up everything you hold dear ie photos, music etc.
Thanks guys, its a PC not a Netbook so that wasn't the problem. I got most of the stuff worth saving on my second harddrive already (250gb). since I need to replace the original one I think Ill get a bigger one then the original (100gb).

Gonna suck having to reinstall everything again, but atleast I can make sure I only put things on I want, cause Im sure I ahve things Ive long forgotten about. I've been wanting to get a second HDD to back up my stuff for a "just in case" moment. Got over 1k in baby pics and a few GB in videos on the second hdd, I do have the pics backed up onto a flashdrive though.

For now Ill run the CCleaner until I get the extra cash for a new HDD, gotta make some other payments first. But transfering the stuff to the second hdd shouldnt be much of a problem I thnk.
Thanks guys, its a PC not a Netbook so that wasn't the problem. I got most of the stuff worth saving on my second harddrive already (250gb). since I need to replace the original one I think Ill get a bigger one then the original (100gb).

Gonna suck having to reinstall everything again, but atleast I can make sure I only put things on I want, cause Im sure I ahve things Ive long forgotten about. I've been wanting to get a second HDD to back up my stuff for a "just in case" moment. Got over 1k in baby pics and a few GB in videos on the second hdd, I do have the pics backed up onto a flashdrive though.

For now Ill run the CCleaner until I get the extra cash for a new HDD, gotta make some other payments first. But transfering the stuff to the second hdd shouldnt be much of a problem I thnk.

Yea it's the same deal if you weren't able to access it off the desktop harddrive, just get to it asap because it won't be long before it won't be accessible.

Back up to another like everyone suggested or if you have all ready done so.

Good luck :rock
Yea it's the same deal if you weren't able to access it off the desktop harddrive, just get to it asap because it won't be long before it won't be accessible.

Back up to another like everyone suggested or if you have all ready done so.

Good luck :rock

yeah I got a secondary hdd installed right now, mainly got pictures/video/programs on it. The main one is basically for the installed stuff and such. So I need another main hdd and a portable hdd....mainly cause Im running low on the secondary hdd already.
Got all pictures and other things I wanted to keep transfered to second hdd. Also made a list of programs to reinstall as well. I tried to backup my phone/ update it with the newest pictures but the pc rebooted itself during the process.

During reboot it hit a black screen saying no harddrive found, I unplugged and reboooted and got it back to desktop again. Last time the pc said that is when cooling fan was dead, but I checked that and it is still running. Gonna head out today to see if I can find a hdd replacement.
Ok it's been along while since I got an installed my second hdd. I'm almost positive that mine is the SATA but I'm double guessing myself. So some help would be appreciated. Sorry about pic size, got no real way to edit it down through my phone.


That's a IDE connector. 36 pin ribbon I believe.

Plus don't forget to switch the jumpers with primary being master and secondary being slave.

K I picked up a 1tb hdd for the pc, got it all hooked up and such. When I plugged everything back up, the monitor showed

power saving mode"

then it shuts off and the blue light r
turns amber. So I'm lost a to what to do next. The buttons on the front do nothing. Power turns it off and on, but when on.it does what was previous said.
K I picked up a 1tb hdd for the pc, got it all hooked up and such. When I plugged everything back up, the monitor showed

power saving mode"

then it shuts off and the blue light r
turns amber. So I'm lost a to what to do next. The buttons on the front do nothing. Power turns it off and on, but when on.it does what was previous said.

Jumper set to Master?