I just see the last page or so
Trust Ski to derail the thread
Just saw Ski in the 'I see You' thread. Boy is he cute! and very buff!! I need to get me some of them high protein blueberry pancakes man! ha!
Never knew that thread existed. I googled it
So this is the Ski man & all this time I actually thought he was the Incredible Hulk
I might go ahead and pay mine off early
You won't regret it my facourite statue I've recieved this year so far
Cool video but have no idea on the movie lol
The song is from Over The Top.
Thanks Ant...it's from one of my favourite Stallone movies! Someone will get it
My brother-in-law broke his arm just before Christmas arm wrestling. It actually snapped in half urghh
Anyway he anonymously had a few copies of Over The Top posted through his letterbox.
I just recently met John Brzenk who was in Over The Top. Real nice and humble guy.
Never knew that thread existed. I googled it
So this is the Ski man & all this time I actually thought he was the Incredible Hulk
Just saw Ski in the 'I see You' thread. Boy is he cute! and very buff!! I need to get me some of them high protein blueberry pancakes man! ha!