HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Fungus controls brains

Tess infected by fungus

Lack of resistance to fungus kiss explained

This isn’t rocket science
Girls like Ticklers

Lack of resistance to fungus kiss explained
Tess likes hentai

Lack of resistance to fungus kiss explained
My brother and I have talked about that many times. DLC or even just a full prequel game where you play as a younger Joel and Tommy during the early years with the Fireflies. Joel was already in a pretty dark place when he meets Ellie, so it would be very interesting to see what him and Tommy went through after Sarah's death. There's a lot of story potential there. I wish Naughty Dog would get a separate studio to work on a prequel, since Druckmann will most likely be continuing the Abby/Ellie story for Part III (probably some kind of redemption story).

I wish I could've seen their faces during that interview. Theres no way they were serious about that? :rotfl
Man I hope not. Just move on to new characters. I feel like any arc with them are done and yes I’ll continue to whine about it til I’m dead. I definitely won’t pick up a game where you play as Abby throughout.Sorry. They ruined the Joel and Ellie dynamic. Just start fresh with brand new characters. Have Elle make a small cameo as an old woman but for the love of everything holy don’t continue the story with whatever crap journey she’s going on. Have a game take place in another country or something.
I definitely won’t pick up a game where you play as Abby throughout.Sorry. They ruined the Joel and Ellie dynamic.


I think it will be interesting to see the reaction to the ending of this season as I think most will be satisfied if it's faithful to the game.

I tell you now though, you folks who are experiencing the first season without having played the game, just enjoy this season and walk away. No season 2, just pretend it was a great one off season.

Man I hope not. Just move on to new characters. I feel like any arc with them are done and yes I’ll continue to whine about it til I’m dead. I definitely won’t pick up a game where you play as Abby throughout.Sorry. They ruined the Joel and Ellie dynamic. Just start fresh with brand new characters. Have Elle make a small cameo as an old woman but for the love of everything holy don’t continue the story with whatever crap journey she’s going on. Have a game take place in another country or something.
Yeah, I think at some point that would probably just be for the best. I read that Part II's story was originally going to be what Part I would be about, a revenge story of sorts that Druckmann was really pushing for. But his co-writers (at the time) managed to change his mind. But then he got full creative writing control over Part II, where he brought back his original idea. But as we all know, the internet isn't always the most reliable source of info, so how much of that is true, I have no idea.
But I'd still be up for Joel and Tommy DLC or a prequel though. If done right, it might bring back a lot of fans that were done with the TLoU franchise after Part II.
Yeah, I think at some point that would probably just be for the best. I read that Part II's story was originally going to be what Part I would be about, a revenge story of sorts that Druckmann was really pushing for. But his co-writers (at the time) managed to change his mind. But then he got full creative writing control over Part II, where he brought back his original idea. But as we all know, the internet isn't always the most reliable source of info, so how much of that is true, I have no idea.
But I'd still be up for Joel and Tommy DLC or a prequel though. If done right, it might bring back a lot of fans that were done with the TLoU franchise after Part II.
I heard Anita sarkesian had influence in the second game. Which is funny since she said every video game hated women and is known for killing that one game franchise with the parkour. Don’t know. Idk what they are planning moving forward but they definitely need to change things up going forward if they want this to be a new game of thrones type show.
Anyway yes I would like a dlc or game showing the events of the fall or early on. I think it’d be cool to focus on new characters and other countries. Maybe a prequel leading up to the events of the first? Idk. Just don’t continue the Ellie story.
To me it just sounds pretentious and borderline creepy...

"It's underscoring, again, the theme of love and the way love functions because the fungus loves too."

"What we are may look disgusting and the way we reproduce may be horrifying and violent but it's tender, when this man comes to her it's not violent because she is not fighting, if she ran, if she fought back, they would have taken her apart but she's just standing there and he shares himself."

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All of that sounds absolutely insane to me, he's basically saying the infected man is violating Tess but it's tender because she doesn't fight back and now it's underscored by the theme of love? To imply this disgusting and horrifying moment for Tess is beautiful and romantic to some extent because she doesn't fight back and lets a man "share himself" with her is both laughable and concerning, saying the fungus loves too is ridiculous considering the cordyceps works more like a rapist than a lover in my eyes taking over animals and in the ficitional world of TLOU humans to benefit itself and grow a larger network and it doesn't do it out of love but to survive just like every single living thing on the planet, I don't think anyone with a sane mind thought that moment was beautiful or romantic, interesting and disgusting way to show how the fungus is different from the game but their comments on what the scene is supposed to mean sound absolutely wack.
Oh wow, I did not interpret the moment in such a way at all. I don’t think that’s their intention nor what they refer to. I do whole heartedly believe that he is refering to the scenes representation, the fact that there’s not a gorey, phisically violent moment that one would expect there, but something that looks, that is represented in a tender way, which is all the more horrifying. He does say indeed it’s gross after the “share of himself” thing, and about there being ”something beautiful in the way he shot it”.

He fails more with the explanation than with the scene itself I shall say. If we change the viewpoint from “the cordyceps acts like us” to “we act just like the cordyceps”, which is what he’s trying to explain when he’s talking about how horrifying it may look like the way we reproduce, I think it’s easier to understand. He‘s not giving cordyceps the benefit of love as much as he’s spinning the thoughts on human behavior, which is LoU main thing. We can be brutal, we can be tender. We look brutal in a way, we look tender on the other. So does the cordyceps. Yet the goal is always to reproduce, to extend, to thrive. Cordyceps isn’t just a serial killer, it’s a living thing with a primal goal.

There’s though definitely bad wording in the “he shares himself”, as he should have used “it”, not he. Totally changes the sentence.
I definitely won’t pick up a game where you play as Abby throughout.Sorry. They ruined the Joel and Ellie dynamic.
Literally the whole appeal of first game is the relationship between Joel and Ellie,
it’d be like if they killed Mando at the start of Season 2 and Grogu just went off on his own adventure without him.
Literally the whole appeal of first game is the relationship between Joel and Ellie,
it’d be like if they killed Mando at the start of Season 2 and Grogu just went off on his own adventure without him.
Yea I feel like the first game had a great emphasis on never give up on hope and when things look bleak you’ll find happiness in the most unexpected ways. Part 2 was just so doom and gloom cliché apocalypse game. Funny you mention mando lol
I heard Anita sarkesian had influence in the second game. Which is funny since she said every video game hated women and is known for killing that one game franchise with the parkour.
I was sat chatting to her on a train once. Didn't realise who she was till much later but she asked about what game I was playing on my device. I mostly found her dull with little of interest to say and actually tried to end the convo so I could get back to playing. Still, i thought she looked super familiar and it wasn't until a month or so later I was watching a youtube vid about the drama in video games industry at the time and she popped on the screen and I suddenly reslised why she looked familiar. Now I wish it had clicked at the time who she was.... would have been a far more interesting convo had I known.

Anyhoo, as for the TLOU show's kiss, it came off to me as if Tess was paralysed in fear and the fungal control was starting to take over. The kiss itself came off to me as the showrunners attempt at a facehugger style horror, something creepy rather than gory.

Why didn't she use a grenade rather than a lighter? Surely setting off a grenade is a faster and so less painful way to go and would ignite things better than an unreliable lighter....
I was sat chatting to her on a train once. Didn't realise who she was till much later but she asked about what game I was playing on my device. I mostly found her dull with little of interest to say and actually tried to end the convo so I could get back to playing. Still, i thought she looked super familiar and it wasn't until a month or so later I was watching a youtube vid about the drama in video games industry at the time and she popped on the screen and I suddenly reslised why she looked familiar. Now I wish it had clicked at the time who she was.... would have been a far more interesting convo had I known.

Maybe she was into you. Not the game.

Honestly it sounds like a rom-com. Video game related pundit meets collector/gamer. Typical miscommunication antics. Physical comedy hijinks. Third act is set in a video game studio.

Famous people or semi-famous people are classically known for trying to find an authentic connection.

Nothing good happens after 2am.
Now I am curious, which game is this.
I forgot the name. But I remember the protagonist being an Asian woman and the first game was really popular. It’s a game where you run on high buildings doing parkour
I forgot the name. But I remember the protagonist being an Asian woman and the first game was really popular. It’s a game where you run on high buildings doing parkour
Mirror's Edge? I was working for a game publisher a few years before all this happened but I still had colleagues in the industry. The consensus then was that the sequel failed because of lukewarm reviews and bad marketing.
Mirror's Edge? I was working for a game publisher a few years before all this happened but I still had colleagues in the industry. The consensus then was that the sequel failed because of lukewarm reviews and bad marketing.
Ah I see. I remember hearing something about her being involved. I’m not sure but it caused controversy
Pretty solid episode.
I liked the stuff after the start, showing where it started. I'm enjoying the fact that they're not your standard, done thousands of times Zombies. Something a bit different.
I'd actually like a whole show, pre outbreak, following the events running up to it, revelations about the fungi by scientists etc.
I was a but concerned after the first episode that the zombies were just people with noodles in their mouths running about like your tired old zombie trope.
Very pleased this episode showed that the fungal infection spreads to such a horrific degree.
Like the clicking thing. Fun cat and mouse scene.
The all zombies are linked thing is interesting enough.
The ending with Tess(?) felt a bit cliche.
Still not sold on Ellie. I don't hate her or anything but I'm finding her far from likeable.
Really like Pedro as Joel. He's kinda carrying the show for me character wise. Hope he doesn't die the clichéd self sacrifice for Ellie route at the end.
I'm hoping Ellie will grow on me over the season., she's the weak link so far (only limited to 2 episodes of course, she might get really good later)