HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Well oil doesn't last forever once it's been harvested or put into a vehicle, and they can't maintain the infrastructure to produce more. Same with the batteries, as we saw in the first episode Joel & Tess wanted to obtain one but it was a dud.
So far all the major scenes of the game haven't landed with the same emotional impact in the show imo, apart from Sarah.

To me this episode is the perfect example of why, we wasted one episode on Bill and Frank, two episodes on Kathleen, there's tons of content with Joel and Ellie that was cut which is integral to building their relationship and now they're also completely changing Joel's character and his dynamic with Ellie so when that iconic scene happens it doesn't hold the same weight I bet people won't even remember it when looking back at the rest of the season, the moment completely lacks the gravitas, emotion and soul that it's meant to have, I also thought the flashbacks of Sarah afterwards were cheap.

They like to tell and not show so they have Joel cry his heart out to Tommy about his woes going across the country with Ellie and his struggles of being an incompetent old man and while one could appreciate the scene for being properly acted it completely goes against who Joel is meant to be, he isn't meant to be having panic attacks every 5 minutes, he is a capable and violent man who doesn't allow himself to let his guard down not even around his brother because when he finally shows that softer side it hits hard we don't need him to literally spell out what he is feeling in a tear jerking Emmy baiting scene the beauty of Joel's character is that his feelings are displayed in his actions and his love and concern for Ellie is never expressed verbally, him being such a violent, capable and reserved survivor is what makes his change so profound and why when he finally cries for the second time after Sarah died which just so happens to be the last scene he's in in the second game it hurts you deeply because he's finally reached that point where he can allow himself to get that emotional in front of the person he cares about the most.

The University was completely butchered, that whole event is where their dynamic finally shifts, when Joel got impaled everyone thought that was it for him, everyone was in Ellie's shoes we were scared that we would be alone but after going through all she did with Joel she manages to get him out of that building crawling with raiders and get him to safety it was a huge moment for her character and it perfectly lead up to the winter chapter where she takes on the leading role, on the show I don't feel we've reached a point where that works because they haven't been through the same trials and tribulations they did in the game, it's rushed and much like every other important moment it doesn't land like it should.

I suspect the next episode will severely affect the pacing, they rushed their way to this moment and now instead of letting it lead right into winter they're going to spend an entire episode on Ellie and Riley, so far the pacing has been the biggest issue with this show, we're rushing important events and the most important aspect which is Joel and Ellie's bond so we can focus on side characters and stories which aren't as important as the writers want them to be.
100% agree. The people making the show seem to have a very shallow view of the game. There is no nuance and texture from the game. I know both the game and the show aren’t about the clickers and bloaters but man, there has been so little action, violence etc and that is an important aspect of the game. It’s like they are almost embarrassed by that aspect of the game.

This is a HBO show and I would have excepted some huge production but nope. At every turn it feels cheap. The acting is mostly good but the writing and direction is letting it down.
You'd think FEDRA would have the resources to get a couple wells going in 20 years.

In the game there are few places (maybe only Boston) that still have a FEDRA presence and / or an operational QZ. In the games we encounter Pittsburgh and Seattle; Pittsburgh was overthrown years before Joel and Ellie arrive to be replaced by a 'Hunter' group preying on travelers passing through. This overthrowing is depicted in the series as Kansas City, though it's just happened. In Seattle FEDRA were overthrown by the Washington Liberation Front. I've probably gone into too much detail, but in both the games and series FEDRA are a very depleted group.
In the game there are few places (maybe only Boston) that still have a FEDRA presence and / or an operational QZ. In the games we encounter Pittsburgh and Seattle; Pittsburgh was overthrown years before Joel and Ellie pass through to be replaced by a 'Hunter' group preying on travelers passing through. This overthrowing is depicted in the series as Kansas City, though it's just happened. In Seattle FEDRA were overthrown by the Washington Liberation Front. I've probably gone into too much detail, but in both the games and series FEDRA are a very depleted group.
Most FEDRA officers in the QZs also completely mismanaged resources and hoarded food for themselves, in the beginning of the game you can hear people complaining that the Boston QZ is low on rations and enlisting more civilians for active duty, officers also mention they're catching and killing more stragglers and that another QZ just had it's soldiers lynched by civilians, all of that indicates the Boston QZ is a bad day away from ending up like Pittsburgh and Seattle and many other places run by FEDRA that ended in a bad way.
Most FEDRA officers in the QZs also completely mismanaged resources and hoarded food for themselves, in the beginning of the game you can hear people complaining that the Boston QZ is low on rations and enlisting more civilians for active duty, officers also mention they're catching and killing more stragglers and that another QZ just had it's soldiers lynched by civilians, all of that indicates the Boston QZ is a bad day away from ending up like Pittsburgh and Seattle and many other places run by FEDRA that ended in a bad way.
Boston was getting hit by the Fireflies too, you're right it wouldn't have been much longer until it would fall. I think that's my biggest gripe of the series personally, in Episode 2 everything outside of Boston seemed very quiet and peaceful. Why would anyone stay in a QZ?
Boston was getting hit by the Fireflies too, you're right it wouldn't have been much longer until it would fall. I think that's my biggest gripe of the series personally, in Episode 2 everything outside of Boston seemed very quiet and peaceful. Why would anyone stay in a QZ?
It's one my biggest gripes too, in the game you could understand why someone would choose to live in the awful QZs over taking their chances outside because the whole world is teeming with infected and groups of murderers, rapists and all kinds of bad people, in the show only a few places could be considered actually dangerous because of the pockets of infected in the vicinity and some bandits but it's nothing nearly as bad as the game depicts, the fact Bill lived peacefully with Frank for 20 or so years in a small town near a QZ and was only attacked by a group of incompetents once proves most people could probably find an abandoned town and set it up as their main base with some defenses and never have to worry about anything ever again, the world being the way it is on the show removes a portion of the impact from a choice that will get made at the end.
Boston was getting hit by the Fireflies too, you're right it wouldn't have been much longer until it would fall. I think that's my biggest gripe of the series personally, in Episode 2 everything outside of Boston seemed very quiet and peaceful. Why would anyone stay in a QZ?
I thought the show made it clear that hardly anyone is “choosing” to stay in a QZ. Anyone who leaves is killed unless they can carefully and quietly sneak out.

And I thought the QZs themselves were mistaken or exaggerating the abundance of infected beyond the walls, so nobody would actually know things are quiet or peaceful outside of Boston.
I have to say that once again I really enjoyed the episode. There's a lot different to the game, not only in terms of events, but also in characters.
This does change that dynamics a fair bit, however I wouldn't say it derides the story in anyway. As someone who loves the game and has played through it, I don't know how many times I actually like the route they've taken.
It is The Last Of Us, but different in a lot of ways that have surprised me, entertained me and so he a different light on a story I love and know so well.
You'd think FEDRA would have the resources to get a couple wells going in 20 years.
Well, thats because the future will be run by the Gen Z, aka lazier and extra dramatic people.
It's easier for them to complain about not having gas/fuel and oil, instead of doing something about it. lol
So far all the major scenes of the game haven't landed with the same emotional impact in the show imo, apart from Sarah.

To me this episode is the perfect example of why, we wasted one episode on Bill and Frank, two episodes on Kathleen, there's tons of content with Joel and Ellie that was cut which is integral to building their relationship and now they're also completely changing Joel's character and his dynamic with Ellie so when that iconic scene happens it doesn't hold the same weight I bet people won't even remember it when looking back at the rest of the season, the moment completely lacks the gravitas, emotion and soul that it's meant to have, I also thought the flashbacks of Sarah afterwards were cheap.

They like to tell and not show so they have Joel cry his heart out to Tommy about his woes going across the country with Ellie and his struggles of being an incompetent old man and while one could appreciate the scene for being properly acted it completely goes against who Joel is meant to be, he isn't meant to be having panic attacks every 5 minutes, he is a capable and violent man who doesn't allow himself to let his guard down not even around his brother because when he finally shows that softer side it hits hard we don't need him to literally spell out what he is feeling in a tear jerking Emmy baiting scene the beauty of Joel's character is that his feelings are displayed in his actions and his love and concern for Ellie is never expressed verbally, him being such a violent, capable and reserved survivor is what makes his change so profound and why when he finally cries for the second time after Sarah died which just so happens to be the last scene he's in in the second game it hurts you deeply because he's finally reached that point where he can allow himself to get that emotional in front of the person he cares about the most.

The University was completely butchered, that whole event is where their dynamic finally shifts, when Joel got impaled everyone thought that was it for him, everyone was in Ellie's shoes we were scared that we would be alone but after going through all she did with Joel she manages to get him out of that building crawling with raiders and get him to safety it was a huge moment for her character and it perfectly lead up to the winter chapter where she takes on the leading role, on the show I don't feel we've reached a point where that works because they haven't been through the same trials and tribulations they did in the game, it's rushed and much like every other important moment it doesn't land like it should.

I suspect the next episode will severely affect the pacing, they rushed their way to this moment and now instead of letting it lead right into winter they're going to spend an entire episode on Ellie and Riley, so far the pacing has been the biggest issue with this show, we're rushing important events and the most important aspect which is Joel and Ellie's bond so we can focus on side characters and stories which aren't as important as the writers want them to be.
Couldn't of said it better myself :clap

I'm finding it difficult to be critical as I do actually like the show, but it hurts to see how much more important stuff they cut out in favor of stuff that wasn't in the game at all. If they show was at least 12 episodes, then I could give a pass at a whole episode of alternate story Bill and Frank and 2 whole episodes with Kathleen. But so much of the building of Joel and Ellie's bond is being rushed or put into montages instead of actually seeing them build it through real interaction with each other and what they've been through together.

With Left Behind being the next episode, that means we will probably only get 1 episode of the Winter Story and then 1 episode of the to complete the game.
Why are they so afraid of showing violence? It's like they let the talky bits play out like the game but every time there's a violent, action heavy bit, they rework it into something sanitized for tv, despite being on HBO.
Why do you need a battery? Just get a manual 5 speed , pushing it and pop the clutch to start it
Why do you need a battery? Just get a manual 5 speed , pushing it and pop the clutch to start it
Or they could've just followed the game, where Bill and Joel push the truck while Ellie pops the clutch. But ya know, the series has other more "important" stories to tell.
While the last three episodes have been okay so far, the story on this series still feels like an unpolished turd compared to the game.