HBO: The Last of Us (April 13, 2025)

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Didn't take long for someone to take a stab at these, sculpts by Yi Xie (yixie1983) commissioned by an unnamed company, unfortunately I'm hearing some rumors Star Ace could have the license but this could be for a third party so we'll see.






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Having only collected Hot Toys, Dam, Three Zero and Lim over the years I've no clue who Star Ace are but it doesn't sound good...
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Having only collected Hot Toys, Dam, Three Zero and Lim over the years I've no clue who Star Ace are but it doesn't sound good...
They're comically bad figures at prices that makes Sideshow look like saints.

They made Maeve from The Boys look like The Crimson Chin to the tune of $350.
I only have there goblet of fire Harry but at the sculpts they offer they need to lower the price of there stuff to atleast 120
I know folks must be tired of reading my thoughts on this but I can't help myself, the game is just better. 🤷‍♂️

It's crystal clear now that the show has unfortunately stumbled and rushed it's way to the ending, this episode was probably the most rushed of them all, we needed a full episode of David and Ellie fighting infected and building that trust between them only to have it all come shattering down when he reveals who he is, also them seeking revenge for one guy getting killed was laughable, in the game it makes sense since both Joel and Ellie killed a ton of David's group even if it was in self defense.

I also don't know why they made David a cliched religious cult leader, I find his game counterpart to be much more menacing and interesting without all the bible speak and the children bitch slapping, at least they're both still massive creeps and I thought the actor played that side of him well but a huge part of me wishes they had just kept Nolan North in the role his performance and voice just fit the character perfectly.

I liked to see the interrogation scene, pascal was good there but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed by the fact Troy Baker (original Joel) had no part in it as it stands it just feels like he was there for the sake of it (was cool seeing him on screen tho), to close out my thoughts on the episode I feel like Bella overacted a bit too much and I just wanted her to stop screaming, especially in the final scene which unfortunately doesn't have the emotional impact it should have because the story and bond between Joel and Ellie has been too rushed and Ellie walking outside a weird and unnecessary change.

With one episode left that's apparently only 43 minutes long I can confidently say this show does not live up to the game in my opinion, it doesn't do anything particularly better and what's new is either a waste of time or just plain bad (looking at you again Kathleen), all the cut content and interactions between Ellie and Joel are honestly shocking, after such an excellent pilot I'm sad that this ended up being a watered down, sanitized and rushed adaptation of a really simple but deeply personal and emotional story, oh well at least I'm in the minority it seems.
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