Anyway who cares because

#GiraffesarentrealI thought that was cgi, I saw that image this morning on Reddit, I was surprised lol!
You could actually make the argument that Joel's actions were the most humane event to have happened in this cruel world. The way he looked at it, Ellie wasn't given a final say on the matter and he wasn't willing to give up on her because she's the one thing that was able to bring him back from the brink over the course of two decades.So he gave up on humanity just to have time with a new pretend daughter?
Humanity IS sad.
I had a little bit of my own epiphany last night after the show that follows this train of thought. Joel has seen the absolute worst of humanity. Cannibals, raiders, post apocalyptic fascism... Why does he give a **** if humanity survives? He's always been out for himself, the final decision he made was so completely in character for him.You could actually make the argument that Joel's actions were the most humane event to have happened in this cruel world. The way he looked at it, Ellie wasn't given a final say on the matter and he wasn't willing to give up on her because she's the one thing that was able to bring him back from the brink over the course of two decades.
In a way, Joel did save the world. He just saved his world, not everyone else's.
fuel the stupid opinions that Joel just wanted Ellie to replace his dead daughter
I had it the very first time I played, "Why save the world? What world is there even to save?" you spend a gruelling 15 hours experiencing the worst this world has to offer with the only shining thing in it being this little girl, every step of the way is filled with infected, hunters and cannibals who are out to kill you, QZs are still falling to rebels on a regular basis, thriving communities are few and far between and even good people like Sam and Henry are willing to leave you for dead to make sure they survive, this whole world is beyond saving and 15 hours were enough to prove that, now imagine actually living in it for 20 years...I had a little bit of my own epiphany last night after the show that follows this train of thought. Joel has seen the absolute worst of humanity. Cannibals, raiders, post apocalyptic fascism... Why does he give a **** if humanity survives? He's always been out for himself, the final decision he made was so completely in character for him.
All these years I never really realized how obvious it was. Maybe because as an outside viewer you look at it rationally and think, "Wow that's a tough decision to make."
But like they said in the episode discussion it was the easiest decision he ever made.
Giraffes don't exist so it's hard to make them look real.The giraffe moment was great, I was surprised to find out the giraffe wasn't CGI because it looked like it when I was watching the show, maybe they actually replaced the real one with a CGI model like they did the bloater? Still it was a cool moment I think it has that magical feel of the game for new viewers.
The show had a monumental task. Adapting a legendary video game that's over a decade old nearing as many remakes as Skyrim. No matter what they did, the criticisms were going to be rampant from fans of the game.
And so, to me, it was a **** show because it failed to evoke even 1/100th of the emotions the game did.
I think what took me out of this show the most, was the lack of emotion from Pedro and Bella. Bella's expression hardly ever changes, no matter how much **** hits the fan. lol
Troy and Ashley showed more emotion and just overall acting talent during their 5 minutes of showtime than Pedro and Bella did the entire season. But I suppose that also just hows how freaking talented Troy and Ashley are. They'll never be replaced as Joel and anyone.
I posted up the classic tavern scene in Inglourious Bastards to kind of highlight the kind of unsettling uncomfortable tension I'm talking about. A longer season, IMHO, could have helped. Just more David, more Henry and Sam, more KC, more settlement, more Marlene, etc, etc. Flesh things out a bit.
I'd like to see a 13 episode version of this season. Genuinely so.