I’d imagine any of us would do the same if sonic the hedgehog was strapped to a hospital table and about to be killed. Wouldn’t let that slide

I’d imagine any of us would do the same if sonic the hedgehog was strapped to a hospital table and about to be killed. Wouldn’t let that slide
Which also leads to another thought... make Joel completely different in the tv show (anxiety, less aggressive and masculine, etc) and - as it turns out - now have a lot of people saying how much they dislike Joel (tv version) for making the decision he did (because in the game, the characters, their relationships and motivations were so well developed, NOBODY disked Joel and the decision he made. It's never been a conversation point ever, anywhere, before this last episode aired.
That's what I meant, killing everyone in the hospital didn't feel right but it was the only way to make sure Ellie survived so everyone in my way was done and I was cruel too, especially when they taunted me with "Is she really worth it?" the bastards.Honestly I did t think of it that way. I saw it as an urgency to save your adopted daughter from some crazy people. I didn’t feel any guilt nor did I care about them after they were suddenly about to kill Ellie. I just kinda rushed in. Now was it right? No. But screw those guys. They aren’t out to save the world. They will use a “cure” for their own personals gain. And screw that doctor ….
I think Pedro's delivery in that scene was terrible, the composition of the shot and how quickly Joel executes her in the game after delivering that ice cold line goes much harder.I liked Pedro's terminator mode, especially when he killed the doctor and Marlene.
It reminded me of Walter White killing Uncle Jack.
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Joel has his own personality and is a fully realized character in the game, you control him but it's not like The Witcher 3 or Mass Effect where the player can choose what he does or say and there's tons of character study videos on Joel on Youtube which accurately explain the type of person he was, he is and becomes and it's a beautiful but tragic arc, the show didn't give him a "personality" it was always there they simply changed it up for what they were going for with the show.This show is great. Undortunalty we have a “game” to compare it to. And games are more engaged as you play the character, so its naturally going to take on the players personality. They had to give Joel his own personality beyond what the gamer thinks or feels.
So of course some folks are gonna feel like the character is not correct. They all have preconceived notions of what it means….
I watch with people who do not game , and therefore have a much better view of the show, with nothing to compare it too. Same for the Walking Dead. The last season could have been a banger if the proper actors were still with the show, be alas they are not.
Everyone I watch with loves the show, and it seems the rating agree with that.
Gamers , and comic fans, and basically anyone who had consumed any media prior to a shows release will always be disappointed that it didnt match their personal cannon.
I remember how I felt seeing how they did Shanes death in TWD, and how much better the comic was….but you just go with it. One interpretation is diffferwnec than another.
Really? The novel where Hooper has an affair with Brody’s wife?A long, long time ago, some people felt Jaws the novel was better than the movie. Bah!
Yea that's basically how I felt at the end of the game.Honestly I did t think of it that way. I saw it as an urgency to save your adopted daughter from some crazy people. I didn’t feel any guilt nor did I care about them after they were suddenly about to kill Ellie. I just kinda rushed in. Now was it right? No. But screw those guys. They aren’t out to save the world. They will use a “cure” for their own personals gain. And screw that doctor ….
Not having played the game or read spoilers:
I had no problem with Joel wasting everyone to save the kid (humanities last hope or not), that was now his kid.
What felt off to me, was this same guy feeling he had to lie about it. That seemed (to me) like something he'd comfortably own up to if she asked; like: yeah I killed everyone last one of them, to save your punny ass.
Lying about it is made him seem weak.
Not sure how that is addressed or plays out in the game?
Yeah, and he'd own up to that.
That's what he's doing by lying.And risk losing her.
Lying or not their relationship is forever damaged.That's what he's doing by lying.
Yeah she hoped to be some "savior", it's what she wanted.
Yet he'd also heard her own visions what she imagined for her own future.
She had not decided to die there.
And she did not know the operation would kill her.
They intentionaly denied her that information.
Hence she was not given a choice.
It is Joel who was protecting her ability to choose. By keeping her alive.
Hence I had no problem him killing them.
And (again to me) that seemed like something he'd own up to, come what may between them.
That (to me) seemed the honest relationship they built up, and had gotten to through their whole experience together.
Now him lying about it, seemed liked a different character, a weak coward. If that's what the writers wanted, it worked.
Again I have no Idea how it's presented or plays out in the game.
In the TV show it seemed completely off, and out of character, after the relationship they'd built.
That's what he's doing by lying.
Yeah she hoped to be some "savior", it's what she wanted.
Yet he'd also heard her own visions what she imagined for her own future.
She had not decided to die there.
And she did not know the operation would kill her.
They intentionaly denied her that information.
Hence she was not given a choice.
It is Joel who was protecting her ability to choose. By keeping her alive.
Hence I had no problem him killing them.
And (again to me) that seemed like something he'd own up to, come what may between them.
Let her decide, what she thought of his decision, owned up to and lived with that.
That (to me) seemed the honest relationship they built up, and had gotten to through their whole experience together.
Now him lying about it, seemed liked a different character, a weak coward. If that's what the writers wanted, it worked.
Again I have no problem with him killing everyone to protect her, just lying about it. No Idea how it's presented or plays out in the game.
In the TV show it seemed completely off, and out of character (to me), after the relationship they'd built.
I thought this was a fitting end. True to the spirit, and pretty much the letter, of the game.
Ellie expressed her determination to finish what she started. Joel came to the point where he couldn't bear to lose her, leading to violence in the name of love.
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Ellie's doubt:
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Joel's lie:
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Ellie's uneasy acceptance:
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Therein setting up the conflicts in TLOU2: violence in the name of hate.
It's all there.
If only there'd been more time spent between them in the series on the journey to that moment, rather than veering off into the lives of other characters.